
YouTuber ImAllexx criticized for alleged physical violence against his ex-girlfriend

ImAllexx, a YouTuber with over 2 million subscribers, is challenged by his ex-girlfriend, claiming he physically and emotionally abused her and destroyed her property.

Alice, the woman who made the allegations, posted several videos and audio recordings of their interactions in a Google Doc, along with an 82-page statement.

She detailed her side of the story and alleged that he destroyed her property, got physical in fights and called her a “whore,” a “psychopath,” a “n****.” *” and several other derogatory terms.

One of these videos shows ImAllex physically threatening her while they were on a Discord call:

“I’m going to bash your head against a wall with a brick if you don’t shut up,” he said.

Another video she posted was one where she put her phone in her pocket and left the recording on as she packed her things and tried to leave. She claims the reason she felt she had to come out was because ImAllexx kicked her right before she started recording.

“Actually, you’re not trying to solve any of your fucking problems. It's really infuriating at this point. For example, earlier you are unhappy about something, all you have to do is say what it is. Are you complaining that I don't clean up after myself? N******, you neither.

In another video, Alex calls her a “dog” and claims she “screwed everything up” for them.

“When it’s too late, you admit you did everything wrong. But when it really matters, when you should lie down like a good fucking dog, you don't. You're fighting for some reason, I don't know what you're fighting for. Because you lose, because you'll end up admitting that you screwed up anyway.

Alice also claims that some of her things were destroyed when she collected them after moving, such as her monitors, camera and keyboard, as well as photos of her monitors.

Alex said in other calls and messages that he “hated” her and that she made his life much more difficult, and that he had a general distrust of her and some of his others. friends.

“You may have nothing to lose, your life may be in jeopardy, but I still have a lot to give. You're making it incredibly difficult for me, just like Lewis. I hate you all,” Alex said in a call.

Other messages show Alex accusing Alice of ruining their vacation because she told him about her past experience of sexual assault:

“Bringing up weird shit on our first vacation, ruining every moment,” he said via Discord message. “I don’t have good memories with you. Actually, none.

However, words like this would quickly turn into pleas from Alex once she decided to break off the relationship, messages that would go on for days without a response, as shown in a screen recording of Alice's phone.

She also had dozens of screenshots in her document showing this kind of behavior.

“Here to apologize again, I’m sorry,” followed by “I’m upset and I miss you.” And I want everything to be normal. I will do everything for you to come back from today.

Towards the end of her statement, Alice had this to say:

“There are so many other things I could talk about, but I really don't want to go through this again.” It was a terribly toxic relationship. I should have only allowed two months to get to know and discover the kind of person he really is, but that's what happens when a narcissist meets an empath, they feed off them.

“I had communicated as best I could, made him aware of what made me uncomfortable and it was not listened to.”

That said, Alice also admitted her faults, saying she slapped Alex in the face during one of their fights because she felt threatened. “I am not afraid to admit anything I did because I only reacted after the abuse was inflicted on me.”

Additionally, Alice claims to have more evidence than she was withholding for legal reasons.

“For legal and obvious reasons, I will not attach all the evidence I have, but it may be made public in due course. He tried to get me to stay silent online and suggested he would deny the whole thing. If this happens, I will release more undeniable evidence.

If you want to read Alice's full statement and see the videos for yourself, the Google doc file is embedded in her tweet.

ImAllexx has yet to respond to these allegations.

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