
“You have to move, I can’t.”

  • Elliot Page has revealed in his new memoir that he was “groomed” by a director when he was a teenager.

  • He did not name the director or say whether it was someone he had worked with.

  • “His frequent texts made me feel special, as did the books he gave me,” Page wrote in “Pageboy.”

Elliot Page has revealed in his new memoir that he was “groomed” by a filmmaker when he was a teenager.

Page, who did not reveal how old the director was at the time, wrote in his new memoir “Pageboy” that the anonymous filmmaker's “frequent texts made me feel special, just like the books he offered to me.”

Page implied the grooming took place while he was living in Canada, describing how the man “took me to dinner at the Swan on Queen West,” a French restaurant in downtown Toronto.

Page wrote that while “stroking my thigh under the table”, the director whispered to him: “You have to move, I can't.”

In a chapter titled “Leeches,” Page shared several other examples of times he was touched in a sexual manner by adults while he was still a teenager and before undergoing his gender transition from female to male.

Elliot Page shared his story in a new memoir, released June 6.Amazon

He wrote that “on one project shortly before” the meeting with the director, “a member of the team had done the same.”

“Between takes he would talk to me about art and films, Kubrick of course. He would invite me out on a Saturday afternoon,” he wrote. “After a walk in the rain, he grabbed me, claiming we were going upstairs. Pulling me against his body, I could feel his hard cock against me.”

While filming the film “Hard Candy” in Los Angeles when he was 17, Page said he had sex against his will with a man he said had worked on the film and who became him- same director.

“He was funny and strange, and he was nice to me. We talked about obscure and depressing books, movies, and graphic novels,” he wrote. “A glint in his eyes made me feel seen, supported. He even had a gentleness.”

After the film's wrap party, Page said the man drove them back to Page's apartment and followed him, guiding him into the bedroom with “his hands on my shoulders.”

Page wrote that he “stiffened up with a smile” and “didn't know what to do.”

“He laid me down on the bed. Starting to take off my pants, he said, 'I want to eat you out.' I froze. Once it was over, he tried to stay in bed with me. I had thawed slightly and told him he couldn't come out.

He also wrote about a repeated incident with a female crew member who assaulted him while she was working on another film.

Page wrote that he felt confusion about his identity and sexuality – which began at age six when he asked his mother, “Can I be a boy?” – made him “an ideal target” for sexual predators.

“As puberty transformed me into a character I had no interest in playing, my isolation, insecurity, and ignorance increased. I desperately needed to ground myself,” he wrote . “In new cities, no friends, alone in hotel rooms, it wasn't hard for someone to pick on him. I'm sure he feels it.”

Elliot Page's “Pageboy” is out now.

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