
Y'all are missing what really happened yesterday, it's REALLY bad

I think many of you are unaware of what is really going on here.

I've been a big fan of Biden for a long time, the best president of my lifetime. And I'm getting older because of the stress and anxiety I feel about a Trump presidency. And I wanted an open primary. But I thought Biden was a great president, so when they told me he was going to run for office, I fully supported him.

In fact, every day I wrote about something great he did…from the PACT Act to breaking up OPAC to student debt relief to the bipartisan infrastructure bill to Build Back Better.

And when the New York Times questioned his fitness for office, I got angry and said, “How dare you question Biden? » Indeed, Biden and his advisers had told me that he was sharp, fresh and at the top of his game.

I canceled the New York Times because how dare they lie? I talked to everyone about voting for Biden because I knew how important this election was. I assured everyone that Biden was fine even though I wondered why his voice was always so hoarse, why he sounded so stiff, but I chalked it up to arthritis and a cold… I wondered why he was always talking into a teleprompter, and I had to believe him. It was his stutter, and that he was at the top of his game because that’s what they told me, and I trusted them and I believed them, and I gave them my money and my time. Because they wouldn’t lie to me, because this was democracy and it was too important for them to fool me.

And then YESTERDAY happened. It wasn’t a bad “sick”… it wasn’t a bad “stutter”… it wasn’t a bad “tired.” It was a bad cognitive decline. And not a little, it was a lot. I had elderly parents, I watched them decline. I know how it works. This Joe Biden couldn’t string a coherent thought together. Every piece of crap Trump spewed out of his mouth

At first I was sad. I lay in bed unable to sleep thinking about what would happen under another Trump presidency. But then I got furious! Absolutely smoke coming out of my ears filled with rage!! The Biden administration LIED to me, and I trusted them, and I feel like an idiot, because I in turn lied to people I know, because I trusted them. How dare they take my money and hide their decline, how dare they give all these excuses and make me hate the New York Times instead of letting me see the truth.

If this is indeed the most important vote of our lifetimes, and we all know it is, then it is completely infuriating that an administration would hide an old man who couldn't speak with a teleprompter and convince me that he was the best . For work. And don't you dare tell me that him reading a teleprompter today solved everything. It wasn't, yesterday mattered a lot.

We have a BRILLIANT VP who would have knocked this debate out of the park, we have Newsom, Wes Moore, Pete Buttegeig and Gretchen Whitmer. We could have had an incredible primary, generating real interest and excitement, without the baggage Biden has with the Israel/Gaza situation, and instead they lied to me, with the most important election ever!

I will vote for Biden, if he is still on the ticket in November, because old doesn't get better, and hiding a candidate in cognitive decline for 5 months is the stupidest thing ever, and beyond angry that the future of our democracy is at stake…

Don't try to convince me to be a team player, I was all in, until I was lied to and betrayed. I already know he's going to lose, and frankly, he deserves to lose. I'm heartbroken and furious!

We need an open convention, we need to get things back on track, and this is the only way to do it, even if there are risks… the “otherwise” is inconceivable… a slow-motion disaster with global implications…

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