
XDefiant players claim 'ridiculously overpowered' weapon is ruining the game

XDefiant has breathed new life into the FPS genre, but for some players who have gotten into the game, one weapon ruins the game and makes it difficult to enjoy the action: sniper rifles.

Although reviews of the game were generally positive, as with any new game, there were complaints. Although slow weapon progression is probably the most frustrating issue right now, if you've played XDefiantchances are you were demolished by a sniper rifle.

That's certainly been the case for me, and now players have taken to Reddit to complain about the snipers, calling them “ridiculously overpowered,” while also suggesting what Ubisoft needs to do to fix them.

Getting shot at point blank range is no fun. Image via Ubisoft

“The snipers are ridiculously overpowered,” wrote The_Stiffmeister. “Even at close range, they can aim and shoot while getting their face pierced with a [assault rifle]. Zero flinching or movement punishment. Sniper lobbies make the game unfun.

This sentiment was echoed by many, with Snoopal saying that “their only complaint about snipers is the fact that they are better shotguns than shotguns”, while More_Tackle9491 said that they “would n “anything for an anti-sniper lobby”, because it is “impossible to compete with snipers”. .”

As for the cause of the problem, the majority of players agree that the lack of recoil on sniper rifles is problematic. Flinch increases your recoil when you get hit, but since snipers don't have it, you can shoot them while they're being targeted and their aim is unaffected.

“They 100% need more perspective. They're already pretty close to being well balanced with their slow reloads and slow ADS times, and I don't mind being fast ranged either. If they had the advantage over me, I think they deserved it. I also don’t mind if they kill in one hit,” wrote Ggun_14. “However, with the lack of flinching, I have lost count of the number of times I have thrown 4-5 balls at a person and they have always hit me without any consequences. If I am the one initiating combat and land several accurate shots faster than them? I should have the upper hand, not them. This is clearly a design flaw.

There's definitely room for snipers XDefiant, but the fact that they are more powerful at close range than an SMG like the P90 is problematic. With many fixes coming, we can only hope that Ubisoft fixes this issue soon.

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