
Woman attacked by pack of wolves while jogging in zoo near Paris

A woman has been hospitalised after being mauled by wolves while jogging in an animal enclosure at a zoo near Paris over the weekend.

The attack occurred at a zoo and safari park in Thoiry, located about 50 kilometers west of Paris.

The 37-year-old woman, who was staying in the zoo's tourist accommodation, Agence France-Presse reported, was jogging Sunday morning in an area of ​​the zoo normally reserved for vehicles and where animals roam freely when she was attacked by a trio of wolves.

The woman was reportedly injured “in the neck, calf and back,” Maryvonne Caillibotte, Versailles public prosecutor, told AFP.

When asked how the woman managed to get into the animal enclosure, Caillibotte declined to specify whether the woman had made a mistake or whether the animal enclosure was not well-marked enough, L reported. AFP.

The woman was rescued after zoo staff heard her cries for help. She was later taken to a nearby hospital in critical condition.

Created in 1968, the Wow Safari Thoiry welcomes 1,500 animals on 150 hectares of land near Paris. According to the zoo's website, stays allow you to “relax and enjoy a unique, intimate experience with Arctic wolves that you can observe day and night from your living room.”

Max Hauptman is a trends reporter for USA TODAY. He can be reached at [email protected]

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