
Woman arrested in Cortez after allegedly stabbing father at home – The Journal

Allison Hamel stabbed her father on Friday June 7. (Courtesy photo)

Woman Banished From Her Father's Home Tried To Climb Out Window

A woman was arrested June 7 after allegedly stabbing her father as she entered his home at 405 W. Seventh St. in Cortez, according to police.

Allison Janelle Hamel faces charges of first-degree aggravated assault and criminal trespass after the confrontation with Clifton Goff.

Police were dispatched to the home around 9:55 a.m.

After Officer Trevor Robertson of the Cortez Police Department arrived, he called residents, and a man who identified himself as Goff came out of the trailer with his shirt “saturated with blood from the chest down.” 'at the belly “.

Robertson asked Goff to lie down on the porch so he could treat the wound. Goff also had a cut on his left palm and left pinky finger, and bubbles were appearing from his chest wound.

While Goff applied pressure to her chest, Robertson and Officer Brady Veach found Hamel sitting outside the door of her RV, parked near the Goff residence.

At first, Hamel refused to speak to police, saying she would wait until her mother arrived, but she eventually told Robertson and Veach her side of the story.

Hamel said she wanted to take a shower in the trailer, but after finding the door locked, she tried to enter through the living room window, not knowing Goff was in the same room.

Hamel claimed that as she went through the window, Goff hit her in the head and pinned her against the wall by her hair, then strangled her from behind. Hamel said she stabbed Goff in self-defense with the knife she carried in her pocket.

Robertson said Hamel had no bruises or marks to back up his story.

After police found the knife and took photos of the blood in the rooms of the house, they arrested Hamel.

After Goff was taken to the hospital, he told police that Hamel was not allowed into his residence, but was trying to get in through the window. Hamel is believed to be living in the camper van where she was found by police.

Goff's injuries were classified by hospital staff as “serious bodily injury.”

Goff said he tried to stop him from getting in through the window and after they began to struggle, Hamel stabbed him.

According to Robertson, there have been several altercations involving Goff and Hamel in recent weeks.

The calls primarily concerned Goff locking Hamel and a minor out of his residence. Portions of the police report were redacted due to the presence of a minor.

Hamel was arrested for first-degree assault with a deadly weapon, second-degree criminal trespass and child abuse. She is being held at the Montezuma County Detention Center.

She will appear in court for her return of charges on Tuesday, June 25 at 1:30 p.m.

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