
Why you should encourage your teen to get a summer job

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With summer here, getting your teen to look for a summer job or internship can be intimidating. Even though they have worked hard during the school year, balancing their studies and extracurricular activities, it is natural to wonder whether they should take a break or continue working. However, as an admissions counselor, I can assure you that there are several benefits to teens getting a job or internship over the summer, not only for improving their college applications and resumes, but also for enriching their skills for future projects. Here, we'll explore three of these benefits.

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1. Skills development

Involving your teen in a structured workplace this summer can accelerate their skill development. Although they can hone their academic skills in the classroom, workplaces provide a unique environment to improve their social and professional skills. Internships, in particular, provide practical experience that goes beyond academic learning. Adolescents have the opportunity to apply their theoretical knowledge in real-world contexts, which can deepen their understanding and improve their problem-solving skills. Yet it’s easy to get carried away with the idea of ​​finding the most prestigious internship. Yet the truth is that any work experience will help them learn how to communicate effectively, collaborate with a team, manage their time, and work well under pressure.

Take for example a student who starts at the lowest level in a restaurant. They can move up the ranks, demonstrate increased leadership and the ability to work in a high-pressure environment. These experiences are eye-opening and help develop a versatile skill set. I always advise students that they can work in places like a pizza restaurant or a retail store, where they will interact with diverse people, take on more responsibility, and demonstrate real growth, which will enhance their resume.

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Colleges also understand the importance of these experiences, which is why career centers are dedicated to connecting students with suitable opportunities. These experiences help students understand their interests, professional dynamics, good work ethic, and how to build relationships essential for their future careers. Students can begin building their professional networks as early as high school by connecting with mentors and professionals who can guide them on their career path. This early exposure to the professional world can be a significant advantage, setting them apart from their peers and establishing a solid foundation for future success and better opportunities in college and beyond.

2. Application Creation and Interview Experience

Internships at prestigious companies, such as big banks and consulting firms, are known for their fierce competition and therefore undoubtedly look good on university applications. However, these positions often involve rigorous selection and interview processes, requiring students to work hard to write impressive applications.

Gaining this experience can be invaluable for teens, allowing them to present themselves as top candidates in an increasingly selective college admissions landscape. As we all remember, I'm sure the first interviews tend to be the worst. However, experiencing them in high school allows adolescents to improve over time. By the time college interviews roll around, they will be more confident and ready to make a good impression on admissions officers. This early preparation can help your teen learn to effectively articulate their accomplishments and goals, honing their communication skills. Since confidence, communication, and competence are essential during college interviews, this practice can significantly affect their chances of admission, potentially leading to greater acceptance.

Related: 16-year-old interns in Singapore manage billion-dollar portfolios. Here's why.

3. Financial empowerment

Financial skills are increasingly important for young adults, but they are not taught in the classroom. Although most internships available to high school students are unpaid, there are paid opportunities that your teen can pursue.

Having income from their summer job can help teens better understand the importance of financial responsibility and the value of hard work. This is the perfect time for us parents to introduce them to healthy spending habits and the basics of investing. To stay afloat in today's economic climate, teenagers as young as 16 are asking their parents to open savings and investment accounts in their names so they can start building their wealth sooner.

Given skyrocketing college costs, this is a smart strategy for teens and parents. By setting a goal to invest a portion of their monthly income, they can adopt good financial habits that will benefit them throughout their studies and beyond. Even if they don't gain much interest initially, these habits can continue through college, providing them with a substantial financial cushion in the future.

Final Thoughts

While it's tempting to let your teen relax this upcoming summer, getting them involved in a summer job or internship is a wise investment. This will help them develop essential professional and social skills to better prepare them for college applications and lead to greater financial responsibility. These skills will equip them for a smoother transition into adulthood, ensuring they are prepared and ready to succeed.

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