
Why gas prices in Missouri could suddenly skyrocket

I've seen this happen many times before and it almost always results in gas prices in Missouri skyrocketing. There are telltale signs that you may want to fill up your tank ASAP.

Since I fill up in Missouri every few days, I keep a close eye on gas prices. It's like playing the stock market. You want to buy low and this opportunity could end soon if a new report is accurate. MSN has been reporting for a few minutes that OPEC 'agrees to extend production cuts to try to drive up oil prices'. Translation? You're better off buying gas now when it's relatively cheaper.

The bad news for Missourians like me who have long daily commutes is that this doesn't appear to be a near-term price hike. The report says negotiations are still ongoing with OPEC and other oil producers on how to further limit production and these production reductions are expected to extend until early 2025. Yeah.

I probably don't pay enough attention to international news. This report on oil production cuts shows I need to start now. If OPEC and the oil companies succeed in reducing oil production, that means the price of gassing in Missouri for ordinary people like you and me could become very painful again.

I plan to fill up my vehicle as soon as possible and I think it would be a good idea for almost everyone.

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Gallery credit: National Center for Missing and Exploited Children

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