
Why did this NYC parks worker handcuff a teenage girl?

Every time pictures show police aggressively arrest teenager who hasn't been charged with a violent crime, we all wonder: could this have been handled better?

Just take this video of a New York City parks worker attempting to arrest this young teenager after she and her family were seen selling fruit from a cart in Manhattan.

The video, taken Sunday afternoon, also shows people in the area trying to get her out of the man's grip. The 14-year-old girl seems visibly upset.

In the 50-second clip, several people can be heard shouting, “Let her go!” “, ” What are you doing ?! » and “Let her go!” to the New York parks employee, who at one point falls to the ground while he still had the girl in his arms.

Eventually, bystanders were able to pull the girl away from the employee and the New York police who were trying to help her.

According to New York Postthe park employee attempted to arrest the young teenager because she and her family were selling fruit from an unlicensed cart in Lower Manhattan, New York.

Marc Rebillet, who shared the video on social networks, wrote in a separate article on“Walked around the parks trying to put the fruit cart in the dumpster, apparently the family was there multiple times selling without a license…ok fine, talk to the parents. DON'T MATCH THE CHILD. Embarrassing and dangerous behavior. Shame on Parks, shame on the NYPD.

Read more from the NY Post:

“The NYPD first tried to arrest the girl, then released her, then Parks grabbed her and tried to handcuff her. That’s when people started gathering and trying to get rid of her by the Parks officer,” Rebillet said.

“He was knocked to the ground, dragged the girl with him and in the ensuing struggle she managed to free herself and escape. They handcuffed the mother and put her in a police car.

The incident is currently under investigation and the park officer who attempted to handcuff the young teen has been assigned to administrative duties, according to the NY Post.

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