
White House proclaims 'new era' of nuclear weapons 'without digital constraints'

In an interview with the British newspaper Every day Telegraph Published on Monday, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg made clear that increasing the number of deployed nuclear weapons, in response to both Russia and China, was the central topic of discussions at the summit of NATO defense ministers last week.

U.S. soldiers mount a refurbished nuclear warhead atop a Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile. [AP Photo/Eric Draper]

“I won't go into operational details on how many nuclear warheads should be operational and which should be stockpiled, but we need to consult on these issues,” Stoltenberg said. “This is exactly what we do in NATO, for example in the meetings within NATO, of a nuclear planning group as we had in the meeting of defense ministers this this month. [last] week.”

At a White House briefing Monday ahead of Stoltenberg's planned visit for talks with Biden focused on the war against Russia in Ukraine, spokesman John Kirby reiterated his denial of Stoltenberg's statement when asked asked whether “the president had participated in consultations on deploying more nuclear weapons.” .”

In a follow-up question, Kirby was asked, “How can we [Stoltenberg’s statement] is it not perceived as a provocation or an escalation? He responded by saying, “NATO is a defensive alliance,” and since he said those magic words, his actions cannot by definition be “provocation” or “escalation.”

Stoltenberg's statements come ten days after Pranay Vaddi, senior director for arms control at the National Security Council, speaking to the Arms Control Association, proclaimed a “new era” for nuclear weapons in which the United States United States would deploy nuclear weapons “without numerical constraints”.

Condemning “national weakness,” Vaddi said, “we may reach a point in the coming years where an increase in numbers currently deployed will be necessary.” He continued: “We will have no choice…We are modernizing every step of our nuclear triad, updating our nuclear command, control and communications systems, and investing in our nuclear enterprise.”

The US media, in line with the official propaganda of the Biden administration, presented the semi-official decision of the Biden administration to abandon all limits on the deployment of nuclear weapons as a response to the unexpected actions of Russia and China.

It is not so. Rather, it is the culmination of a years-long plan to massively expand the U.S. nuclear arsenal, which U.S. think tanks in 2016 dubbed the “second nuclear age,” language that was echoed six years ago. later in the Biden administration's proclamation of a nuclear. “new era.”

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