
Where to find all Smithscript weapons in Shadow of the Erdtree

Ancient Ring Shadow of the Erdtree is home to over 100 new weapons for players to experiment with, and a few of them are known as Smithscript Weapons. While not incredibly powerful or anything like that, these weapons are throwable and therefore a lot of fun to play with.

You'll find these weapons in the ruined forges of the Shadow Realm, but they themselves can be quite hidden, as is the case with many things on Shadow of the Erdtree's dense map. Without further ado, here is where to find all Smithscript weapons in Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree and how to use them.

Where to find all Smithscript weapons in Shadow of the Erdtree

Smithscript throwing weapons can be found in the ruined forges of Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree, and so far three such dungeons have been discovered in the Shadow Realm. How to reach these forges and what you can loot inside is explained below.

Ruined Forge Lava Take – Smithscript Dagger

The ruined forge lava intake found in the Gravesite Plain is home to the Blacksmith's Dagger in The Shadow of the Erdtree. While this is easily one of the poorest Smithscript weapons to use, it's worth exploring the Forge to add it to your collection and reap other rewards.

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You find the Ruined Forge Lava Intake by heading southeast from the Ensis Castle front gate, along the southernmost path towards a ruined building.

Ruined Forge from Starfall's Past – Smithscript Spear and Cirque

The Ruined Forge of Starfall Past can be found in Scadu Altus in Shadow of the Erdtree and is quite easy to access once you have completed Ensis Castle. From Highroad Cross, head east to the Moorth Ruins and speak to Dryleaf Dane if you haven't already.

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Then head west from the Moorth Ruins to reach a small ruined building. This is our entrance to the Forge, where you will find the Lance Smithscript, Smithscript Circus, Smithing TalismanA Ancient Dragonforge Stoneand the Ancient Meteoric Ore Greatsword.

Taylew's Ruined Forge – Axe, Great Hammer, and Shield Smithscript

The ruined Taylew Forge is a real treat when it comes to loot in Shadow of the Erdtree. Here you will find the Blacksmith's ax, Smithscript Large Hammer, Smithscript Shieldchic new items Taylew the Spirit Ashes of the Golemand not one, but two ancient dragon forging stones.

However, getting there is a bit of a pain. First, make sure you've collected the Ancient Rauh Ruins Map Fragment, which is located just beyond the Ancient Rauh Ruins base site, for easier navigation.

Image credit: VG247/FromSoftware

From the Grace base site, head north until you come to a ruined building – much like the other ruined forges – with a few lit pillars outside. This is the place to go!

How to use Smithscript weapons in ER Shadow of the Erdtree

Smithscript weapons are standard weapons, meaning they require standard smithing stones to upgrade and can be infused with war ashes, which can make the weapons quite versatile.

They also usually have scaling with multiple stats. Strength, Dexterity, Faith, and Intelligence, so they are viable with any of those builds, especially hybrid builds. They are also not the most powerful weapons, but the most notable have to be the Circus and the Spear.

The Circus can also be used two-handed, which technically gives you two Cirques to throw and attack with. Pair it with a Bleed Brew and you'll also be stacking Bleed on your opponents very quickly. Plus, equip it with the Smithing Talisman (to boost throwing attacks), the Claw Talisman, and Raptor's Black Feathers armor (to boost jumping attacks), and you'll be well on your way to a very agile build and very fun.

To learn more about Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree, take a look at our guide on how to defeat Furnace Golems, as well as how to complete Igon's quest and where to find an anti-dragon katana which is very fun to use. to use.

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