
Where and when to see the next meteor shower near Los Angeles

Space: the final frontier… As Captain Spock would say. Outside of our beloved planet, everything is in constant motion and change. Every once in a while, we mere mortals – who can't just board a spaceship and visit the International Space Station –witness some of these phenomena from firm ground. Whether you're a space enthusiast or just looking to plan a romantic date or outdoor adventure, here's the scoop on the next meteor showers near Los Angeles.

What is a meteor shower?

A meteor shower is a celestial event in which numerous meteors radiate from a single point in the night sky. These meteors are caused by streams of cosmic debris called meteoroids entering Earth's atmosphere at extremely high speeds. By burning upon entry, they create bright streaks of light called shooting stars. Meteor showers occur at specific times of year, when Earth passes through debris trails left by comets or, less frequently, asteroids.

When will the next meteor shower near Los Angeles occur?

Although the dates of major meteor showers remain relatively constant each year, their the peak, or maximum activity, can vary by a day or two.

Delta Aquarides

Named after the constellation Aquarius, from which they appear to originate, the Delta Aquarids represent a relatively weak meteor shower. Usually reaching their peak in in late July, they typically produce between 10 and 20 meteors per hour around this period. Optimal viewing conditions involve truly dark skies, as these meteors are generally dimmer than other meteor showers. However, in 2024, the the presence of a crescent Moon (33% full) could obscure some of the faintest meteors, although this should still offer a chance to observe shooting stars.

When: July 21 – August 23, 2024
Pic: July 27-28


The Perseids stand out as one of the most beautiful meteor showers to observe, with a peak rate of more than 50 meteors per hour! Plus, we are treated to delicious August evenings. In 2024, the Moon will be around 40% illuminated, dampening some of the weaker meteors but still promising a splendid summer show.

When: July 17 – August 2024
Pic: August 12-13


The Draconids kick off an eventful meteor shower season. Although not one of the most grandiose shows, the second quarter moon promises a good show, especially in the early evening in a dark place, away from city lights. In 2024, rain peaks on October 8 when the Moon is 29% full, ensuring minimal interference from moonlight.

When: October 6 – October 10, 2024
Pic: October 8


Named after the prominent constellation Orion, The Orionids feature some of the fastest and brightest shooting stars, gracing the sky in mid-October and peaking before dawn on October 22. The Orionids could be a challenge in 2024 with a 77% full Moon will obscure much of the show.

When: September 26 – November 22, 2024
Pic: October 20-21


The Leonids generally present an ordinary spectacle, offering approximately 10 to 15 shooting stars per hour. However, in rare cases, they can trigger “meteor storms”, flooding the sky with thousands of meteors. No meteor storms are expected this year.

When: From November 3 to December 2, 2024
Pic: November 18


The Geminids stand out every year as the first meteor shower, with an impressive peak of 75 meteors per hour crossing the sky all night. Plus, early darkness means you don't need to stay up late to witness this dazzling spectacle. However, in In 2024, conditions are markedly different. The Geminids coincide with the Full Cold Moon, making them difficult to observe.

When: December 4 – December 17, 2024
Pic: December 13-14

Where is the best place to see meteor showers near Los Angeles?

Credit: Tengyart via Unsplash.

Although you can “technically” see meteor showers everywhere, Due to light pollution, it is impossible to get a clear view in large cities, such as Los Angeles. For this reason, the best way to enjoy this shooting star phenomenon is to go to places near SoCal, such as:

Joshua Tree National Park

Joshua Tree, renowned for its rock formations and Mojave Desert climate, offers optimal stargazing conditions. Its remote location ensures minimal light pollution, providing some of the clearest night skies in Southern California. With campgrounds, picnic benches and numerous hiking trails like Quail Springs, Skull Rock, and Tanks Trailhead, it's a great place to witness meteor showers.

View of Rancho Palos Verdes

The Scenic Outlook – Vistapoint in Rancho Palos Verdes offers a unique landscape. It has less light pollution than coastal cities in Los Angeles. Arrive just before dawn to witness the fascinating spectacle of meteor showers, capture the changing landscape of the sunset sky and enjoy a stunning meteor shower.

Red Rock Canyon State Park

Just two hours from downtown Los Angeles, Red Rock Canyon State Park in Southern California is a prime spot for viewing meteor showers. enjoying pollution-free skies, ideal for stargazing. With 50 rustic campsites at Ricardo Campground, visitors can enjoy an unforgettable overnight experience under the stars.

Ojai Valley

Ojai is a quaint little town with dark sky legislation, making it the closest Los Angeles has with such policies. This regulation aims to preserve breathtaking nighttime views by reducing light pollution, making Ojai a Ideal weekend retreat for those who love evenings under sparkling skies.

Top of the World, Laguna Beach

Laguna Beach isn't just about great homes and surfer beaches, it's also a great spot for meteor showers in SoCal. Located at the north end of Alta Laguna Boulevard, Top of the World offers some of the best views in Orange County. This scenic overlook and hiking area offers elevated terrain with minimal light pollution, making it a great place to witness a meteor shower.

Tips for Watching a Meteor Shower

One of the most common questions regarding meteor showers or shooting stars is: what equipment do I need… And the truth is that although you can bring your telescope if you have one and know how to use it, in good conditions, you can see a meteor shower using just your eyes (or glasses if you need them!), always considering:

  • Going to an area little known for light pollution, far from big cities and urban centers.
  • Check weather conditions and moon phases. Cloudy skies won't allow you to see much as it covers the sky, and bright moons (while beautiful) may have its light blot out the faintest streaks in the sky, making them harder to see.
  • Arrive at your chosen destination at sunset, this way you can have more viewing hours.
  • Look for a place with a clear view and stunning views of the sky, without tall trees or buildings.
  • Stay outside for about 20 minutes to allow your eyes to adjust to the dark night sky.
  • Bring a blanket, pillow, or whatever you need to be comfortable. Stargazing usually takes a few hours and nights can get chilly, even in summer!

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