
Westside community concerned about property near daycare

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Some residents who live on Morris Street near Horman told KRIS 6 News they have health and safety concerns about a property in that area.

Gustavo Salazar has lived in this area for more than three decades and he told KRIS 6 News it's been an ongoing problem forever. He added that no one followed the property.

“My main concern is the kids, who are right across the street from an early development center,” Salazar said. “It’s obviously not safe for a grown adult let alone a child walking around here or anyone for that matter to be here.

Gustavo said these conditions don't happen overnight — they're years of neglect by the city.

On the property there is a path that leads you to what looks like a homeless encampment.

When KRIS 6 News inspected the property, we discovered broken bottles, trash and overgrown trees. and bushes, there was even a syringe.

Naidy Escobar

Naidy Escobar

“Someone needs to be held accountable for this mess,” Salazar said.

KRIS 6 News reporter Naidy Escobar contacted the city's code enforcement department and they gave us a statement that reads:

“Code enforcement officers found several nearby properties with tall grass, brush and debris. We located one that may be housing unhoused individuals. We are moving forward with violations and accelerating the reduction of two lots in the immediate vicinity of 2801 Morris Street.

While we were there, law enforcement was putting notices on different properties, but not the one Salazar is most concerned about.

“The city wants to hold us responsible for our properties and the trash we have in front of our homes, but this is actually my neighborhood, so who is responsible for all this mess?” Salazar said.

Before leaving Morris Street, landscapers inspected the properties. One said it would be emptied on Thursday.

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