
WATCH: Motorway police official suspended after allegations of mistreatment with truck driver

A video has surfaced on social media showing a police officer approaching a truck with a rifle near Burhan on the M1 motorway.


A motorways police inspector has been suspended and an investigation launched after a video emerged showing him abusing and threatening a truck driver near Burhan on the M1 motorway.

The incident, captured a few days ago, shows the officer approaching the truck with a rifle in his hand. The footage, now widely distributed, shows the truck driver and his team documenting the encounter.

“Look, they pull a gun on us and threaten to shoot us. Fining is their right, but how do they enforce the law like that?” we hear people say.

As the video progresses, the inspector attempts to snatch the driver's cell phone. He then hands the rifle to a colleague and calls for help via wireless communication.

Following the release of the video, the motorway police suspended the inspector concerned. A Motorway Police spokesperson confirmed that after issuing a fine, the officer attempted to intimidate the driver.

Read more: Viral video captures another 'road altercation'

Having learned of the incident, the Sector Commander M1 formed a committee, headed by a Deputy Commissioner of Police (DSP), to investigate the matter. The inspector was suspended and an investigation was opened.

“If the officer is found guilty, strict action will be taken in accordance with the law,” the spokesperson said. He further highlighted that the Motorway Police are known for their courteous behavior and assured that there would be no compromise on this standard.

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