
Visiting German fan fined for flying drone near TT course

Legend, Officers reported Reinhard Meier to police after finding him with the drone

A visiting Isle of Man TT fan who was caught flying a drone near the course shortly before the start of the Senior race has been fined.

Reinhard Meier, from Schillsdorf in Germany, flew the gadget over the Glenlough campsite in Union Mills at around 5.30pm BST on Saturday.

Douglas Courthouse was told the 68-year-old was staying at the campsite as part of a traveling motorcycle group.

He was fined £650 and ordered to pay a further £125 in court costs.

Legend, Reinhard Meier admitted to flying a drone over a campsite next to the course

The court heard that after the end of the Supertwin race, which had been red flagged, but before the start of the Senior TT, the Ballahutchin sector commissioner was informed of the presence of a drone flying over the campsite , parallel to the route.

Meier was located a short time later by officers, who confiscated the drone and contacted police, who then arrested him.

The court heard he did not photograph the ride but used his drone to take a group photo of the bikers he had traveled to the island with.

Meier's defense lawyer said he was unaware he was not allowed to fly his drone near the course during road closures and was 'mortified' to end up in court on this subject.

The 68-year-old was “extremely sorry” for his mistake and apologized to the court, the lawyer added.

Deputy Senior Bailiff Rachael Braidwood said drones posed a “very serious risk” to runners and posed a “danger” to helicopters used during racing periods.

In sentencing Meier, she told him that not knowing the law was “no excuse” but said she took into account his initial guilty plea and his remorse.

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