
Video shows moment Roy Keane 'elbowed' Arsenal fan Scott Law after alleged headbutt at Emirates Stadium

New video shows the moment Roy Keane confronted an Arsenal fan who allegedly head-butted the former Manchester United captain.

Scott Law, 43, has pleaded not guilty to a charge of common assault against Mr Keane relating to an incident on September 3 last year after Arsenal's 3-1 victory over Manchester United.

The court heard how Keane gestured to Law, of Waltham Abbey, Essex, during the football match to “meet him outside” after “the banter became more aggressive”.

The former Ireland international, who worked as a pundit for Sky Sports, was allegedly headbutted through the gates of the Emirates Stadium, but Law's defense team alleged that CCTV footage from inside the stage, shown to the court, showed Mr Keane elbowing the accused. the face.

There may have been some contact, but it doesn't look like a deliberate nudge in my opinion.

DC Phil Dickinson, Metropolitan Police

Under cross-examination, the police officer in charge of the case told Highbury Corner Magistrates' Court on Thursday that there may have been contact from Mr Keane, but it “doesn't look like to a deliberate nudge.”

Referring to the footage, defense barrister Charles Sherrard KC asked the officer: “What possible explanation could there be for raising your elbow at that speed to detain someone?” »

Detective Constable Phil Dickinson, of the Metropolitan Police's sports investigations unit, responded: “In my opinion he went and grabbed it. »

He added: “There may have been some contact, but it doesn’t look like deliberate nudging in my opinion. »

Mr Sherrard said it was “absolute nonsense” and accused the officer of “lying”, alleging police “did nothing” to investigate evidence pointing to Law, who was sitting under the Sky Sports studio at Arsenal stadium during the match.

Law's defense team claimed on Wednesday that Mr Keane was filmed using “gratuitous violence” against Law by “smashing his nose” with his elbow.

Football pundit and former Manchester United midfielder Roy Keane leaves Highbury Corner Magistrates' Court on Wednesday (PA wire)

Mr Sherrard asked the former Ipswich Town manager: “How do you stop someone getting away with an elbow to the face?

Mr Keane replied: “It’s to stop him running away. I'm trying to catch it.

“I had bags in my hands, I was trying to catch him to prevent him from getting out.

“I must have said nine or ten times, 'Someone call the police.'

Mr Sherrard alleged “the red mist descended” on Mr Keane after a VAR decision went against Manchester United towards the end of the match and he was taunted by the home fans.

Addressing the former Nottingham Forest player, Mr Sherrard said: “You chose to confront him. When you saw it, you said, 'Say it to my face, you stupid bastard.'

Mr Keane replied: “Did I say that when I was at work? To disagree.”

Other CCTV footage played in court on Thursday appeared to show Law leaving and running away from the Emirates Stadium on the day of the incident.

In a prepared statement given to police the day after the incident, Law said: “Throughout the match there was what I would consider to be banter between myself and Mr Keane.

“The banter became more aggressive when Mr Keane beckoned me to meet him outside.”

Law said in the statement that he was a “huge football fan” and had previously seen Mr Keane act violently on the football pitch, adding that he was “scared” at the time of the incident.

He said that during a “natural break in the game” he went to the toilet and was approached by Mr Keane in a “very aggressive manner”, adding: “His face looked angry. »

Law said in the statement that he thrust his head forward as part of a “pre-emptive strike” to defend himself against the former Sunderland manager.

The court was shown a custody photo of Law from September 4, 2023, in which he appeared to have an injury to his nose.

After last year's match, footage was widely shared on social media of former Manchester City footballer and Sky Sports pundit Micah Richards intervening to calm down an apparent confrontation.

Prosecutor Dickinson said police were unable to trace who filmed the footage, which was played in court, adding: “It was so retweeted.”

The trial continues.

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