
Victim needed new belly button after stabbing Bodmin

Knife crime victim needed a new belly button after being stabbed in the stomach. Lewis Ford armed himself with a knife to protect himself from drug gangs before fighting with the man he repeatedly stabbed.

Appearing at Truro Crown Court today (Friday June 7) for sentencing, Ford, 24, of Wallace Road in Bodmin, was charged with wounding with intent (GBH) and possession of a knife by connection to the stabbing of a man outside the White Hart. Inn in the town on July 17, 2020.

The court heard how that evening Ford, who was described as “functioning below his chronological age” and having learning difficulties, armed himself with a knife to protect himself after being preyed upon county drug dealers. He was involved in a verbal altercation with the victim who was also out with friends. The verbal argument escalated until Ford pulled out his knife and stabbed him several times in the stomach and shoulder before fleeing the scene.

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The court heard how Ford was arrested at his home by Devon and Cornwall Police in the early hours of the following morning. In interviews with police, Ford initially said he was with a friend at the time of the attack. He later pleaded guilty to both charges against him.

According to a victim impact statement read to the court, the injuries he suffered had a dramatic impact on his physical and mental health and also had a considerable impact on his ability to work, leaving him less able to lift heavy objects as before or with persistent pain. on his stomach and shoulder.

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The victim said she was off work for three months after the attack and had to receive regular counseling for the past four years. In his statement, he said he had lost 2% weight since the attack and had struggled to get back to a healthy weight after losing so much core strength.

He said the attack left him feeling anxious and angry despite being such a gentle and calm person until then. He said he no longer goes out with friends and prefers to shop at supermarkets outside the town rather than travel to Bodmin town center, for fear of what could happen to him.

He added: “In recent years I have struggled with depression. I have to go see a counselor. I have good days and bad days, but it always bothers me. As a result, I suffer from PTSD (disorder of anxiety). post-traumatic stress). “I have nightmares and wake up panicked. I get very anxious in medical situations and I have panic attacks every time I hear about knife attacks. anxious and depressed because I am independent.

The court also heard the medical report listing his injuries, which said he received six stitches to his shoulder and a 25cm deep cut to his stomach. A medical report also read to the court said he had to have a new navel reconstructed in surgery due to his injuries.

Ryan Murray, defending, said Ford was a 20-year-old of good character who had fallen prey to county border drug gangsters who often target people with learning disabilities. He said: “Mr Ford is a man of few words who has difficulty expressing his emotions and is operating significantly below his chronological age. He is sorry for what he did and for the pain and suffering that he caused to another completely innocent person.

“He aspired to join the Royal Marines, but this career plan failed. He has been waiting for four years for the police to knock on his door.

“This was a terrible incident. Mr. Ford is a man of good character, so one might wonder why he committed such a serious crime. He was in bed with the wrong people and he was overwhelmed. He was young and impressionable and he was easily influenced by those involved in county operations that preyed on people like him.

“This is not an excuse but an explanation why he had a knife with him that day. It was for protection purposes.”

His Honor Judge Simon Carr said it was a “deeply saddening case”, once again highlighting the dangers of knife crime. Sentencing Ford to four years in prison, Judge Carr added: “You have been preyed upon by those involved within the county lines who enjoy targeting vulnerable people like yourself. Drugs are always associated with violence and so you armed yourself with a knife to protect yourself. in case something goes wrong.

“On the night in question, you were out drinking. You encountered the victim who you knew by sight. You got into an argument, pulled out your knife and stabbed him repeatedly. The most serious injury that you caused was a deep wound to the stomach “This court handles murder trials involving stabbings. It was fortunate that this was not the case on this occasion. “

Judge Carr added: “You fled, leaving an injured man lying in the street. For reasons no one can explain, you have had to wait four years for this matter to come to court. This is inexcusable .You expressed genuine remorse and disbelief at what you did. The impact on your victim was physically and psychologically devastating.

Ford will serve two-thirds of his sentence before being eligible for parole.

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