
US plans to increase nuclear weapons deployment amid growing threats

The United States has floated the idea of ​​deploying more strategic nuclear weapons in the future to deter growing threats from Russia, China and other adversaries.

Speaking at an arms control event last week, a National Security Council official Pranay Vaddi said The rejection by Moscow and Beijing of limiting nuclear arsenals highlights the increased need to adopt a more competitive approach to preparing for these threats.

He further said that in the absence of a deal, more nuclear weapons may be needed to effectively deter adversaries and protect the American people and their allies.

“We may reach a point in the coming years where an increase over the numbers currently deployed will be necessary. We must be fully prepared to execute if the president makes this decision,” Vaddi explained.

Currently, the United States adheres to a limit of 1,550 deployed nuclear warheads, as stipulated in a 2010 treaty with Russia.

Moscow has already suspended its participation in the deal due to Washington's support for Ukraine.

“At a breakneck pace”

In 2023, national security advisor Jake Sullivan said he believed there was no need to increase the size of the U.S. nuclear arsenal to deter the combined forces of Russia, China, and other rivals.

He also announced that the United States would respect the limits on nuclear weapons set by its treaty with Russia until 2026.

But Vaddi stressed that these adversaries are expanding and diversifying all of their nuclear arsenals “at a breakneck pace.”

China, Russia, North Korea and Iran “are cooperating and coordinating in ways that undermine peace and stability, threaten the United States, our allies and partners, and exacerbates tensions in the region.[al] tensions.”

Last month, Moscow fueled fears of nuclear war after the election of the president Vladimir Poutine ordered his soldiers to hold nuclear weapons exercises near Ukraine.

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