
US-Canada border unaffected by Biden's alleged asylum crackdown

A new report from the New York Post has revealed that the U.S.-Canada border, the world's largest border, remains open and has not been affected by a recent executive order in which President Joe Biden sought to limit the number of asylum seekers entering America.

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“The order doesn’t apply to us,” a Northern Border Patrol agent told the New York Post. “Families are being released and singles are being sent to detention for trial.”

According to the new report, the northern border was not affected by the restrictions and saw an increase in illegal entries.

Data leaked by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and acquired by the New York Post shows that in June, a record 3,600 illegal immigrants were encountered at the northern border, which, while far lower than the number crossing in the south, still exceeded the total crossings recorded in 2022.

The northern border employs far fewer agents, is far less secure, and is much larger than the southern border, meaning the number of illegal crossings north is likely much higher than the number of encounters.

Biden's order is a response to widespread criticism of his open-border policies, which have allowed unprecedented numbers of immigrants to enter the United States illegally and fueled a nationwide crime wave.

The order was intended to restrict asylum seekers if the southern border reached 2,500 daily encounters, with the restrictions set to remain in place until encounters were reduced to 1,500 per day for a full week.

This rule would still allow around a million asylum seekers to be admitted each year.

The report found that the Swanton area, which spans the borders of New Hampshire, New York and Vermont, had the highest number of encounters.

In many cases, American homeowners living along the border have begun to feel less safe as illegal immigrants wander onto their property as they enter the country.

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Maine has also seen an influx of illegal immigrants from the north, some of whom are Chinese foreign nationals who may be linked to illegal Chinese marijuana cultivation throughout the state.

As Maine and the northern border see a rise in illegal crossings, taxpayers will fund a nearly $100 million upgrade to a Maine-Canada border crossing to make it more “fair.”

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Instead of using the funds to hire more officers and increase security, the government is using its money to mitigate the environmental impact of the border crossing and make it more resilient to potential climate disasters.

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