
US B-1B bomber drops precision weapon during exercises over Korean Peninsula

A US B-1B strategic bomber participated in a joint precision-guided bombing exercise with South Korea, dropping a bunker-busting munition on the Korean Peninsula.

The exercise, which took place for the first time in seven years, comes as tensions rise between Seoul and North Korea over the latter's increasingly escalating actions.

The Boeing-made aircraft dropped a Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) on an unspecified firing range while being escorted by South Korean F-15K fighter jets.

“Under close coordination between South Korea and the United States, this exercise took place with a focus on implementing the United States' extended deterrence commitment and strengthening the defense posture. combined defense,” South Korea's Defense Ministry said. said.

The last time a US strategic bomber participated in a similar exercise was in 2017.

Growing tensions

The precision bombing exercise was carried out after Pyongyang sent hundreds of trash-filled balloons across the border.

He also allegedly tried to jam global positioning systems in South Korea.

The South Korean military said the act was “irrational” and “dangerous,” advising the public against touching the balloons due to the potential presence of chemical and biological agents.

In response to the latest provocation, South Korea suspended a 2018 inter-Korean military agreement which aimed to reduce tensions between the two neighbors.

About the B-1B bomber

Initially developed in the 1970s, the B-1B Lancer the aircraft is capable of carrying large payloads of conventional weapons.

It is designed to rapidly deliver massive quantities of precision and non-precision weapons against any adversary, anywhere in the world.

Powered by four General Electric turbojet engines, the strategic bomber can fly at a cruising speed of 900 miles (1,448 kilometers) per hour.

The United States temporarily stationed the plane over the Korean Peninsula, a move North Korea called “evidence of American hostility.”

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