
Update after cocaine found on beaches

A hard drive containing some of the evidence against a man allegedly behind a failed plan to import 900kg of cocaine into Australia has been handed over to his legal team, a court has heard.

Daniel Wayne John Roberts, 36, is believed to be the Australian leader of a transnational criminal organisation that primarily used maritime routes to transport illegal goods.

However, police allege a botched importation operation has seen several bricks of cocaine wash up on NSW beaches in recent months.

Mr Roberts was allegedly responsible for collecting and distributing cocaine and other illicit drugs in Australia.

Brisbane man Daniel Wayne John Roberts remains in custody after being charged with drug trafficking. Photo: AFP

The Aspley man was arrested on April 17 and charged with seven offences relating to the importation of commercial quantities of drugs and dealing in the proceeds of crime.

His case was briefly heard in Brisbane Magistrates Court on Friday alongside Mr Roberts' two co-defendants, Jacob John Furfaro and Thomas James Pfeffer.

Police say Mr. Furfaro and Mr. Pfeffer were also involved in the drug trafficking ring.

Commonwealth's Attorney Daniel Trigger told the court Friday that he had provided a partial evidence package containing a hard drive to the three legal teams acting for the co-defendant.

The drugs were allegedly contained in crates that washed up on shore. and Zoe Photo AFP

An eight-week adjournment was granted to give the prosecution more time to finalise its case, with the case then set down for further hearing on 6 September.

The Commonwealth will also argue in court that Mr Roberts went by the aliases WANTED and John Dillinger – the same name as the notorious American gangster during the Great Depression – when he used dedicated encrypted communications platforms to subcontract drug pickup jobs.

Police said Mr Roberts played a significant role in the importation of almost two tonnes of cocaine over the past year, with a total street value of $617.5 million.

He also allegedly failed to collect 900kg of cocaine off Moreton Island in Queensland in November 2023 after bad weather impacted his plans.

Police further allege a failed importation plot saw at least 120 drug packages wash up on beaches along the NSW coast in late 2023 and early 2024.

Mr Roberts is also alleged to have facilitated the importation and collection of approximately 560kg of cocaine into the Midwestern region of Western Australia in August 2023.

A shipment of 900 kg of cocaine has reportedly washed up on shore, according to AFP. Photo: AFP

Mr. Pfeffer was charged with one count of trafficking in a commercial quantity of controlled drugs and one count of conspiracy to support serious organized criminal activity.

Mr. Furfaro was charged with one count each of conspiracy to support serious organized criminal activity, trafficking in proceeds of crime valued at $1 million or more, possession of commercial quantities of illegally imported border controlled drugs, possession of controlled drugs and trafficking in a commercial quantity of controlled drugs.

Mr. Pfeffer and Mr. Furfaro are both free on bail and their cases remain before the court.

Mr Roberts, who is in custody, is also charged with 12 other state offences for allegedly using violence and threats to collect debts and intimidate his rivals by hiring criminal associates to assault, arson, shoot and extort his clients.

The court was informed that these charges would be placed on the appeal list for referral to a hearing on July 15.

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