
Unresponsive Teen Wakes Up After Hearing Zach Bryan Song: VIDEO

An unresponsive teenager woke up after his buddy played Zach Bryan’s hit song “Revival” at his hospital bed.

Trae Ocheltree, 17, was seriously injured in a car crash in South Carolina, according to WhiskeyRiff. The horrific accident left Trae unresponsive in the hospital, but things took a shocking turn when his buddy Greysen visited and played the hit song. For the first time since being hospitalized, Trae started to wake up after hearing the music.

A woman by the name of Angela Bozard Rewis wrote the following on a Facebook video of the incredible moment:

“Today Greysen was singing out loud in the hospital room while playing the Revival song from Zach Bryan and Trae RESPONSED… He knew Greysen, Trae knew the song and he squeezed Greysen‘s hand. Trae even tried to move with the beat of the music and mouth the words! When Greysen spoke of Trae playing his Guitar and communicating via Duck Calls Trae light up and opened his eyes…he was aware and with us today! What a special life moment! These boys have a special bond and what a moment for 2 friends to share. Grey and I were so excited the nurses came in and our Trae had arrived!”

You can watch the incredibly moving moment at the link here, and hit me with your thoughts at [email protected].

A South Carolina teenager wakes up after hearing Zach Bryan's Revival.

If it doesn't touch your emotions and your heart, you might want to make sure you still have a pulse and a soul. This is an absolutely incredible situation.

Being in the hospital is almost always terrible. Being in the hospital unresponsive after a horrific car accident is about as bad as it gets. I can't even imagine the terror and emotions Trae's family must have felt.

Then a friend came over, turned on “Revival” and he showed signs of awakening and recognizing the music. I don't even have a good explanation for why something like this could happen.

Life can be funny sometimes, and you never know what could push someone over the edge. In this case, a friend simply playing the Zach Bryan song seems to have done the job.

Hopefully Trae continues to get better and better. It will be a moment that will definitely mark him for the rest of his life. Let me know your thoughts at [email protected].

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