
United Airlines Pilot Arrested for Posting Explicit 'Revenge Porn' Against His Girlfriend, a Former Flight Attendant

A United Airlines pilot has been arrested on suspicion of posting explicit “revenge porn” against a former flight attendant girlfriend who broke off their relationship more than 10 years ago.

Andrew Hill, 36, was charged with a series of crimes including distribution of pornography, distribution of intimate images, harassment, stalking and online identity theft after his arrest Monday.

A probable cause statement filed in a Utah court alleges that over the past decade, Hill created fake online accounts posing as his ex-girlfriend in which he posted sexually explicit photos and videos of his former lover.

The flight attendant did not report the crime to police until January 2024, and for the past six months, detectives in Cedar City, where the victim lives, have been investigating her allegations.

After a lengthy investigation, police were able to gather enough evidence against Hill to obtain an arrest warrant. Hill was arrested by police after arriving at San Francisco International Airport and then flown back to Utah on another flight.

Court documents allege that Hill created online profiles on adult websites in his ex-girlfriend's name, where he then posted intimate images and videos of her, as well as other details about her.

The victim told police she was convinced Hill was behind the “revenge porn” because she had only shared the intimate images with Hill during their relationship.

In a recent post, while posing as his ex-girlfriend, Hill said she fantasized about being raped.

Police believe Hill was posting revenge porn while traveling around the world, although most of the porn was traced to IP addresses in Denver, Colorado. Police issued an arrest warrant for the network provider for those IP addresses and discovered Hill was the subscriber.

Hill is being held in a Utah jail and will appear in court again on July 8.

United Airlines did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

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Mateusz Maszczynski

Mateusz Maszczynski honed his skills as an international flight attendant at the Middle East’s largest airline and flew throughout the COVID-19 pandemic for a renowned European airline. Matt is passionate about the aviation industry and has become an expert in passenger experience and human-centric storytelling. Always with an ear to the ground, Matt’s insights, analysis and news coverage are frequently used by some of the biggest names in journalism.

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