
Understanding what it looks like in real life

Sex trafficking is now present in songs, movies and television shows, which worries many people.

But police say people need to understand what sex trafficking in Oklahoma looks like and, more importantly, what it doesn't look like.

They say it's not about women handcuffed to a man walking through an airport, it's not about children being kidnapped from toilets or people driving around in white vans looking for children , and that it is not about men and women locked in cages.

Agents say these misconceptions cause people to miss out on trafficking.

News On 6 has previously interviewed victims and agencies that help victims, but this is a rare one-on-one interview with the head of TPD's human trafficking unit. Due to his work we cannot show his face or use his name.

Although he's been an officer on the streets of Tulsa for more than 20 years, when he became chief of TPD's traffic unit 18 months ago, he was shocked by the scope of the problem.

“People think it's just prostitution. It's absolutely not 100 percent, it's not,” he said.

He says the traffic is deceptive and hides in plain sight.

It begins with the victim believing they are in a relationship, and the predator first uses affection, then manipulation, control, and even violence to force the victim to bend to their will.

“They're so tied up in this relationship that they feel like they can't go against their perceived boyfriend-girlfriend status, and that causes huge problems.” »

Victims feel they owe a debt and, once forced into the sex trade, they are breaking the law, another reason why they are reluctant to go to the police.

Predators look for victims who can be manipulated or who may have mental health issues.

“Our victims come from all walks of life, all types of previous relationships, successful family lives.”

He adds that another horrible thing they see is mothers, fathers or other family members selling their children for sex. This type of strong emotional family bond makes it almost impossible for the victim to escape, and people find it hard to believe.

“As a police officer, it’s hard to understand,” he said. “You would be trafficking your own child. Sexual abuse of a child is difficult, but selling your child as a commodity, as a police officer, it's difficult to even think about.”

He advises talking to young people in your life, without judgment, about their relationships and spotting the warning signs: being isolated from family and friends, disappearing for periods of time, being controlled by your partner and signs of abuse. Parents, ask questions, check children's phones and social media activity and get involved in their lives.

“12 points of contact with a victim before they accept services. »

A policeman tells them about the services, that's all.

A family member offers them help, that makes two.

It takes so long because they don't see themselves as a victim but as someone in a relationship. And when a victim is ready, it's not as simple as walking away from the trafficker and starting a new life.

They literally need everything to start over.

“They need clothes, housing, a driving license, because the trafficker confiscates all their identity documents so they can escape. These are not physical chains, but mental chains. »

The Oklahoma Coalition Against Human Trafficking not only offers valuable assistance, but also has speakers who go to churches and groups to educate people about trafficking and how to help.

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