
Ultra-sensitive blood tests could determine whether breast cancer is likely to come back YEARS in advance

ULTRA-SENSITIVE blood tests could save lives by identifying whether breast cancer is likely to return years in advance, scientists say.

The biopsy identifies tumor DNA in cells left after treatment, something conventional follow-up scans fail to do due to their low numbers.

Blood cell tests could provide an early warning to check whether breast cancer is likely to come back – and lead to early treatmentCredit: Getty

Scientists say it's up to 100 times more accurate.

In tests of 78 women recovering from breast cancer, it correctly identified all those who would relapse, sounding the alarm up to 41 months in advance.

None of the people who tested negative relapsed.

Doctors hope the early warning will ensure at-risk patients get the treatment they need to destroy unwanted cancer cells.


Experts say the findings are significant because about three in 10 women treated for breast cancer have to fight it a second time, while it usually cannot be cured.

Study author Dr Isaac Garcia-Murillas, from the Institute of Cancer Research in London, said: “Ultra-sensitive blood tests could offer a better approach for long-term monitoring of patients whose cancer is at high risk of recurrence. »

Dr Simon Vincent, of the charity Breast Cancer Now, which funded the study, added: “Early detection is one of our greatest weapons against breast cancer.

“Around 11,000 people die each year in the UK from secondary breast cancer. Advances like these are therefore urgently needed. »

CoppaFeel! Founder Kris Hallenga dies aged 38 after teaching a generation how to screen for breast cancer

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