
Ukraine strikes missile system in Russia with US weapon after Biden acquiesces

Ukraine reportedly struck and destroyed a Russian S-300 or S-400 surface-to-air system (SAM) on Russian territory. The location and date of the attack are not immediately clear, but it is believed to have been carried out using weapons supplied by the United States.

This comes just days after the Biden administration provided support for Ukraine to release US weapons within Russian borders. Since the incident, images and videos have been posted on social media, showing the devastation of the SAM system.

According to some sources, such as The War Zone (TWZ), the strike took place in Belgorod, Russia. The strike was likely carried out using a US-built M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket System, or HIMARS.

If the location is correct, the system is approximately 30 miles (48 km) north of the Russian-Ukrainian border. The attack is also seen as part of a broader effort to resist Russia's advance toward Kharkiv in Ukraine.

Ukraine strikes Russian SAM with American weapons

The Russian channel Spy Dossier Telegram published images of the attack for the first time on Monday June 3. The footage is a 10-second clip showing flames and smoke rising into the sky.

“The video shows the result of the defeat of the S-300/400 air defense system in the Belgorod region,” Spy Dossier reported. “The strike was carried out using the HIMARS MLRS,” the statement added.

However, it's not entirely clear what's burning in the images. Some still images have also been released, allegedly showing the destroyed remains of the Russian S-300 and S-400 SAM systems, some of which can be seen burning.

According to the Telegram Spy Dossier, the attack should have taken place on Sunday June 1st. It is important to note, however, that the location and date of the attack cannot be independently verified at this time.

The Pentagon has also not released an official statement on the incident. According to TWZPentagon officials referred all questions to the Ukrainian armed forces, which have not yet issued a statement.

Will Russia react?

“My friends, we have received bad news from the Belgorod region,” Russian channel Kremlin Secrets Telegram reported on Monday.

“There is an enemy strike. Two S-400 air defense systems were seriously damaged. The strike was carried out with Western-style weapons. Preliminary – HIMARS.

According to information shared on the channel, “the facilities were used to strike Kharkiv and other populated areas in the border zone,” Kremlin Secrets explained.

The radar and much ancillary equipment were lost in the attack.

“Our interlocutors claim that after the attack on the air defense systems, one of the conscripts went missing. Two police officers died,” the channel said.

According to TWZ, Russian conscripts made up the SAM system, Kremlin Secrets reported. The attack did not take place without the invitation of the Kremlin, which issued a strong statement in response.

“We warn American politicians against their miscalculations, which could have fatal consequences,” Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said on Monday. Reuters.

“For reasons unknown, they underestimate the severity of the resistance they might encounter. Russian President Vladimir Putin has spoken out on this topic several times,” Ryabkov added.


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Christopher McFadden Christopher graduated from Cardiff University in 2004 with a Masters in Geology. Since then he has worked exclusively in the built environment, occupational health and safety and environmental consultancy sectors. He is a qualified and accredited energy consultant, Green Deal assessor and practicing member of IEMA. Chris' primary interests range from science and engineering, military and ancient history to politics and philosophy.

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