
UK-based Nigerian pastor Michael Oluronbi sentenced to 34 years in prison for raping church members

In a landmark ruling, Michael Oluronbi, a 60-year-old Nigerian pastor based in the United Kingdom, was sentenced to 34 years in prison for multiple counts of segxwal offenses against members of his congregation.

The verdict, delivered after a lengthy trial at Birmingham Crown Court, saw Oluronbi found guilty of 15 counts of rape, seven counts of indecent assault and two counts of sexual assault. His crimes, spanning more than two decades, involved the abuse of six women and one man, including children.

Describing the case as one of the worst cases of segxwal abuse before the courts, the judge highlighted Oluronbi's egregious actions, including using his position of authority to prey on vulnerable individuals within his ecclesial community.

Oluronbi's modus operandi was to convince victims to participate in so-called “spiritual bathing” rituals, promising to cleanse them of evil spirits. This manipulation has given rise to numerous cases of rape and indecent assault, leading to multiple pregnancies for some victims.

During the trial, evidence revealed that Oluronbi's wife, Juliana, was complicit in his crimes, aiding and abetting some of them. As a result, she was sentenced to 11 years in prison for facilitating her husband's abuse.

In a chilling confession filmed by a member of the victim's family, Oluronbi expressed remorse for his actions, admitting guilt and calling himself an “animal”. The footage, released by West Midlands Police, provided a harrowing insight into the pastor's state of mind and the devastation caused by his crimes.

The case has sparked widespread outrage and calls for greater accountability within religious institutions, highlighting the importance of protecting vulnerable people from exploitation and abuse.

As survivors of Oluronbi's crimes continue to grapple with the trauma inflicted on them, the verdict is an important step in their quest for justice and closure.

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