
Turkey hunter attacked by female moose with calves near Blackfoot –

BLACKFOOT, Idaho (KIFI) – Late Friday afternoon, a turkey hunter was attacked by a female moose on a section of Bureau of Land Management land bordering the Snake River below Wadsworth Island, in a few kilometers south of the Blackfoot town limits.

The individual was hunting turkeys when he inadvertently surprised a female moose with her twins. The moose began charging, and although he fired two warning shots at the ground in front of her, she was not deterred. When the moose knocked him to the ground, he was able to fire a third shot which came into contact with the animal. The moose fled and the hunter was able to leave the scene safely. He reported to Idaho Fish and Game that he was “bruised” and would seek medical attention if his injuries appeared more serious.

While leaving the area, the individual noticed at one point that he could see the injured moose a few hundred meters away, lying down. She got up and started grazing while her calves nursed. The full extent of his injuries is not known at this time.

Idaho Fish and Game will post signs near boat ramps on the river near the encounter, warning the public to be wary of the presence of a moose with calves and to maintain a safe distance if the animals are spotted.

Although conflicts with moose are generally rare, moose can be defensive and dangerous if startled. This is especially true in the fall, when bulls are in rut, and in the spring, when females are giving birth.

This encounter serves as an important reminder to all outdoor enthusiasts to be aware of their surroundings, especially when recreating in thick vegetation or near rushing waters where moose and their calves may be more difficult to see and to hear.

What to do if you encounter a moose?

  • Keep your distance, at least three car lengths between you and the animal. Never approach a moose, especially a female with her calves.
  • If playing with dogs, keep control of your animals with leashes and do not allow them to chase moose or other wildlife.
  • A moose often bluffs by stamping the ground and licking its lips. If he lowers his ears, an accusation is likely!
  • If a moose charges, run. Try to keep a tree or other object between you and the moose, or climb a tree if necessary.
  • If you have bear spray, use it! Bear spray can be purchased online or at most sporting goods stores. It is important to keep it easily accessible on your body.
  • If you find yourself on the ground, roll up into a ball and do your best to protect your face and head. Try not to make any noise. Moose charge because they perceive you as a threat. If you're quietly curled up on the ground, you'll probably look less threatening.

If you have questions about wildlife recreation or have a wildlife encounter to report, call your nearest regional Fish and Game office. In the Southeast region, contact Fish and Game in Pocatello at 208-232-4703.

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