
Trump accuses Biden of being a 'monster' migrant accused of shooting NYPD cops

Former President Donald Trump on Thursday blamed President Biden for the shooting of two New York City police officers, a crime allegedly committed by a 19-year-old migrant with ties to a ruthless gang.

In his remarks in Phoenix, largely focused on immigration, Trump claimed to have raised a whopping $400 million since last week's guilty verdict in his secret trial in Manhattan, before lashing out at his opponent in 2024, aged 81.

“Just this week, two brave NYPD officers were shot and killed in Queens by a Biden migrant that Crooked Joe released into our country,” Trump said in prepared remarks at the event in the town hall.

“This monster infiltrated from Venezuela and quickly received an administrative amnesty from Joe Biden, as well as a taxpayer-funded hotel room while he engaged in several alleged thefts, before shooting two of New York's finest,” the 77-year-old alleged Republican said. presidential candidate added.

Trump pledged to launch “the largest national deportation operation in the history of our country” if elected president. AFP via Getty Images

The accused shooter, Bernardo Raul Castro Mata, was arraigned Wednesday on attempted murder charges.

Police said Mata shot Officer Richard Yarusso, 26, in the chest at point-blank range before shooting and hitting Officer Christopher Abreu, 26, in the leg as cops tried to take him down. apprehended after he fled on foot from a traffic stop.

Mata was shot in the ankle by police before being taken into custody.

Mata – who entered the United States illegally in Texas last July – is believed to be a member of the violent Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua, now present in the Big Apple.

Mata was arraigned on Wednesday for attempted murder. Robert Mécéa
Officer Christopher Abreu was shot in the leg by Mata, police said. Robert Mécea

Trump suggested that Venezuela had taken advantage of Biden's border policies by exporting violent criminals to the United States.

“Under Biden, the world is emptying its prisons, its insane asylums and its mental institutions – and sending us its cruelest criminals, its savage gang members and its sadistic cartels,” he said.

“In Venezuela, violent crime is down 67%,” Trump said.

“In everything he does, Joe Biden prioritizes illegal aliens, cartels, open border crazies – while he betrays American citizens,” Trump argued.

Trump denounced Biden's border policies during his remarks in Arizona on Thursday. REUTERS

The former president pledged to prioritize “African-Americans, Hispanic-Americans first” and “all Americans first” if elected to a second term in the White House.

In his remarks, Trump laid out his first-day agenda to combat the migrant crisis, which includes reversing Biden's recent executive order on immigration and eliminating the controversial CBP One immigration app.

He also pledged to shift “massive swathes” of federal law enforcement toward immigration enforcement; deploying the U.S. Navy to “impose a complete blockade of the cartels and deny them access to our region’s waterways” and moving “thousands of troops currently stationed overseas” to the U.S.-Mexico border.

Trump also said he would launch “the largest domestic deportation operation in the history of our country” on his inauguration day.

“Biden wants an invasion – I want an expulsion,” Trump said.

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