
Trial begins next Tuesday for alleged murderer of family in Matanzas

The trial against the man accused of murdering a family in Matanzasincluding a seven-year-old child, in May 2023, will start next Tuesday, reported a relative of the victims. The news was shared by Adamarys Gonzalezsister of Maykel Gonzalez Medinawho, with his wife Linet Lucia Medina and their young son, were brutally murdered, allegedly by a former military officer Victor Luis Hozman Reyes30, in the neighborhood near the Eddio Teijeiro textile factory -Bellotex- in Matanzas on May 19 of the previous year.

“Finally, on the morning of July 2, the trial against the murderer of one of the most horrific crimes ever committed in Cuba will take place at Matanzas Provincial Court“The crime of my brother, my sister-in-law and my nephew-in-law, a child who was only seven years old when this monster decided to commit suicide to take my brother's property,” González announced. Facebook profile.

“How is it possible that someone has the courage to stab a child and then take the life of his mother before his eyes? This can only be done by someone who has not an ounce of pity or sensitivity,” she said.

The victims' relatives asked the court to take “a firm position with regard to this murderer who has no right to anything in this life” and hoped that “the full weight of the law and especially the punishment of God would fall.” on him “.

“You destroyed our lives, and we will never get them back; they will live forever in our hearts, and we will have to live with this pain, but you will rot in hell, MURDERER,” González concluded his message.

Hozman was captured hours after the crime at Jibacoa Beach in the province of Mayabèqueas he tried to flee the country, according to official sources.

In a post on the social network XTHE Ministry of the Interior (MININT) confirmed the arrest of the alleged perpetrator of the murder, committed in El Resplandor farm in the municipality of Matanzas on May 19. From the beginning, items linking him to this horrific crime were found in his possession.

According to initial information published by the independent newspaper CubaNet After the events, two neighbors of the victims claimed that Hozman, a former reserve military officer in the Armed forceswas a neighbor and friend of the family and owned a mechanic shop, where “he killed Maikel.”

The body of the father, owner of another mechanical workshop, was found in a pit adjacent to his attacker's workshop; in the meantime, the bodies of Linet and their son were discovered inside the family home.

“The reconstruction of the facts shows that he first killed Maikel, then went to his house to collect the money he had saved. There he found Linet and the child, and he killed them too,” said a neighbor.

The source also claimed that the attacker “stayed in town to buy beer and spend more money than usual while wearing jewelry that apparently belonged to Maikel.”

Linet Lucía is survived by a minor daughter who was not present at home at the time of the brutal crime.

Matanzas Family Murder Case: Key Questions Answered

As the trial of the alleged Matanzas family killer begins, many are seeking answers about the details and implications of this horrific crime. Here are some key questions and answers.

Who is the accused in the Matanzas family murder case?

The accused is Víctor Luis Hozman Reyes, a 30-year-old former military officer.

When did the crime take place?

The crime occurred on May 19, 2023.

Where were the victims found?

The body of Maykel González Medina was found in a pit near Hozman's mechanical workshop, while the bodies of Linet Lucía Medina and their son were found inside the family home.

What was the motive for the murders?

The motive appears to be robbery; the accused is said to have killed the family to seize Maykel's property.

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