
Tourists missing on Greek islands: Map shows latest reported locations

A missing American tourist found dead on a small Greek island on Sunday is the latest in a series of tourists who have gone missing or died on Greek islands.

The man was found dead on a remote rocky beach on the island of Mathraki by another tourist, the Associated Press reported. He was initially reported missing Thursday by his friend and host, who is Greek-American.

The tourist was last seen at a cafe with two female tourists who are no longer on the island.

The name of the individual has not yet been released. He was from New York.

Matharki is a 1.2 square mile forested island with a population of 100. It is located off the coast of Corfu, a more populated Greek island.

A 74-year-old Dutch tourist was found dead on Saturday in Samos by a fire brigade drone. He was lying face down in a ravine about 330 meters from where he was last seen Thursday. Before his death, he had difficulty walking due to the extreme heat.

Samos is the ninth most populous Greek island, with a population of over 33,000. It covers more than 184 square miles.

At least one death and one disappearance occurred after tourists set out on hikes in high temperatures.

British television presenter and author Michael Mosley was found dead on June 9 on the island of Symi. A coroner said Mosley likely died June 5 after hiking in rocky terrain.

Symi is a 22 square mile island with a population of approximately 2,600.

Authorities also continue to search for a 59-year-old tourist who disappeared in Amorgos on Tuesday. He was hiking alone in extremely hot weather.

The tourist was identified as retired Los Angeles County Deputy Sheriff Albert Calibet.

Amorgos is a 48 square mile rocky island with a population of less than 2,000.

Two French tourists disappeared on Friday in Sikinos. The tourists were both women, aged 64 and 73, and had left their hotels intending to meet up.

Sikinos is a relatively isolated island in the Aegean Sea with fewer than 400 permanent residents. It covers 16 square miles.

Last week, temperatures across Greece peaked at over 110 degrees Fahrenheit. The country is experiencing a heat wave which has led to the closure of schools and several tourist attractions. While Greece experiences frequent heatwaves in summer, this is one of the first heatwaves in recent years.

High temperatures could make the country more vulnerable to wildfires. Last year, the country was devastated by more than a hundred forest fires fueled by a severe heat wave.

Greece has thousands of islands and around 160 to 220 of them are inhabited.