
Top 3 News Today: Chinese Citizen Arrested in Abu Dhabi for Fraud and Human Trafficking of 800 Indonesians

TEMPO.CO, JakartaTempo English compiled the top three news stories for Saturday, June 29, 2024. Here are the highlights: Chinese citizen arrested in Abu Dhabi for fraud, human trafficking of 800 Indonesians, Indonesian textile industry facing crisis with 21 factory closures factories, 150,000 layoffs and 4 Mekong countries are home to groups that run most of the online gaming sites in Indonesia.

Here is the list of the 3 main news on Tempo English Today:

1. Chinese citizen arrested in Abu Dhabi for fraud and human trafficking of 800 Indonesians

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – The National Police have arrested a Chinese citizen with the initials SZ for fraud and human trafficking against 800 Indonesian citizens.

Head of the National Police Information Bureau and Public Relations Division, Police Brigadier General Trunoyudo Wisnu Andiko, explained that on Thursday, June 27, 2024, the Abu Dhabi Interpol NCB handed over SZ to the National Police.

“We picked up the suspect, SZ, in the Middle East. His case is online fraud or scam and human trafficking,” Trunoyudo said as quoted from the National Police Public Relations Division website on Friday, June 28, 2024.

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2. Indonesian textile industry in crisis: 21 factory closures and 150,000 layoffs

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Indonesia's textile industry is in trouble, according to the chairman of the Indonesian Association of Fiber and Filament Yarn Producers (APsyFI), Redma Gita Wirawasta. By June 2024, 21 textile factories had closed and 31 more were in danger. Since 2022, factory capacity utilization has decreased significantly.

“Until the second quarter of 2022, our capacity utilization was still 72 percent,” he said by telephone on Friday, June 28, 2024. He explained that a number of textile and clothing companies clothing members of ApsyFI had closed their doors.

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3. 4 Mekong countries are home to groups running most of the online gaming sites in Indonesia

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Police said most of the online gambling sites accessible in Indonesia are controlled by operators based in the Greater Mekong Sub-region, such as China, Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia. Police also found that bookmakers deliberately employed citizens from Indonesia and other countries as operators to expand the market.

“The people behind this are mostly organized because it is a transnational crime operated by groups of countries in the Mekong region,” said the chief inspector of international relations of the national police. said Pol General Krishna Murti at a press conference in South Jakarta, Tuesday, June 25.

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