
Tim Tebow's wife Demi-Leigh reveals how she fought off gunmen during terrifying kidnapping attempt

Tim Tebow's wife Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters has revealed how she fought off armed attackers during a possible kidnapping attempt in a bid to raise awareness about human trafficking.

Nel-Peters shared his story in an Instagram video uploaded to the footballer's Tim Tebow Foundation, which describes itself as existing “to bring faith, hope and love to those who need a better day in their darkest hours.

In the video, the 26-year-old beauty queen began by explaining that one of the reasons she is “so passionate about giving women around the world a voice and an opportunity to ask for help » is that she also lived in fear.

Nel-Peters then recalled a moment when she felt fear, while driving to an event while driving her sponsored car shortly after being crowned Miss South Africa, for finding herself and her car surrounded by five armed men at a red light. .

“The day I sat at a red light, all dressed up, on my way to an event, on top of the world, I was just crowned Miss South Africa a few months ago. In my brand new sponsored car, it was one of my winning prizes, on my way to a fancy event,” recalls Nel-Peters. “And I looked to my left and I looked to my right and I saw that I was surrounded by five armed men.”

According to the winner of the competition, she did not know how the situation could end, but knew that she had to run away, so she raised her hands and “returned” all her materialistic things, giving the attackers “everything they needed.” needed “.

However, according to Nel-Peters, when she tried to run away, one of the men grabbed her and pulled her into the car, before shouting at her that she was coming with them.

“And at that point, I said, ‘No. I'm not. I'm not going with you. I don't care if you shoot me, if you kill me, but I'm not going with you,” Nel-Peters recalled, before explaining how she punched the man as hard as she could at throat, giving him a brief moment to get away.

The ordeal was not yet over, however, as she then remembered how she had run down a busy avenue, when it was only five o'clock in the afternoon, to find that many people refused to stop their car and help him.

“As I was running down that avenue, I hit about 30 to 40 car windows,” she continued. “And do you know how many cars stopped for me? Not one. No one stopped to help.

“And I don’t know what was more terrifying, being attacked by these five armed men, or not receiving help.”

According to Nel-Peters, she continued running and banging on the car windows, until a 19-year-old stopped and told her to get in.

But before letting Nel-Peters get into the car, the teenager asked the beauty queen: “You don't have a gun, do you?” to which Nel-Peters replied that it had just been hijacked.

“And she let me get in her car. And she took me to safety,” Nel-Peters said, adding that without the 19-year-old, she doesn’t know what would have happened to her. “I don’t know if these men would have followed me, caught me, who knows. But I try not to think about it.

Nel-Peters concluded her story by expressing gratitude to the woman who helped her, before encouraging others to be the ones to help those in need.

“Be that person who leans over, opens your car door, lets that person in and drives them to safety,” she said.

Tebow and Nel-Peters married in Cape Town, South Africa, in January 2020, and they have since worked together to end human trafficking through the football player's foundation, a goal Tebow, who called trafficking “one of the greatest evils in the world.” the world today,” deepened its commitment last year through a variety of new initiatives.

In response to Nel-Peters' story, many people praised her for speaking out and courageously sharing her own experience.

“Wow, how scary and sad at the same time that most people didn't do anything. Thank you for sharing and fighting against human trafficking,” one person commented, while another said: “Thank you for sharing your story and putting a human face to what people are faced with. It opens our eyes and it helps.

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