
Thurmond calls for investigation into Sheriff Bianco's Trump support video

State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond calls for formal investigation into Riverside sheriff Chad Bianco.

Thurmond calls for investigation into video of Sheriff Bianco calling for putting a 'criminal in the White House', approves Donald Trump. The video was made in his sheriff's uniform while criticizing the governor, state officials and laws supporting criminals against victims.

Thurmond, a candidate for California governor, says California law enforcement officers, elected or not, are not allowed to provide political support in uniform. He says what Sheriff Chad Bianco did was illegal.

“What you did is illegal,” Thurmond says. “This is why your actions of providing political support while wearing a taxpayer-funded uniform must be investigated.”

He added: “I know you are supporting a criminal, but that doesn’t give you the right to start committing crimes yourself. »

He then asked, “What's wrong with this guy?” What kind of message does this send to families across the state: If you're a fan of someone, the law shouldn't apply to that person. Chad, you've continued to be tough on criminals, but now you want to give your favorite criminal a pass. It's no surprise that this is coming from a former member of the Oath Keepers. One of the groups that led the January 6 insurrection. It is also clear that this former oath keeper has forgotten to respect his true oath, which is also that of the people and the rule of law. We can’t afford to have a criminal in the White House or a governor who doesn’t follow the law.”

Original video:

Here is the full transcript:

“Hello California, its Riverside County Sheriff, Chad Bianco. For the past 30 years, I have done everything I can to keep our communities safe by stopping criminals in jail, putting them in jail, and keeping them out of our neighborhoods.

Over the last five years, I have been very critical of our governor for cutting our budgets, in corrections, for releasing prisoners early, for closing our prisons. I have criticized our state legislature for passing laws making it harder to imprison people. I criticized their changing the laws that allow prisoners to be released early. And I've criticized our attorney general because he apparently doesn't care about crime and is a real embarrassment to law enforcement.

This love affair that our governor and state legislature have with criminals is based on the belief that criminals are not responsible for their own actions, that they are a victim of society and that it is really our fault. It's society's fault, its companies' fault, its cops' fault, maybe it's my fault.

Apparently, if you listen to our governor, law enforcement is systemically racist. If you listen to our legislature, our laws are systematically racist, our justice system is systematically racist.

All these people that are put in jail are due to the bias of law enforcement and district attorneys and all these things. So they let them out, they give them food, they give them housing, money, drugs and alcohol now.

I have to be honest, I'm getting tired.

I ask myself if I have changed my mind and I decide if I have changed my mind. Maybe I was wrong and I think I'll change teams. I know this is going to make some of you angry, I know you're going to be angry with me. But I'm going to change teams.

I think they're on to something, but I don't think they're doing enough. I think we need to think big. You know me, go big or go home, you do your best, you are the best at everything and you might as well do something good if you want to do it.

I completely agree. I hope you're all with me, I hope you've all changed your mind. You all think this is definitely the right thing to do and you are joining me on this adventure.

I think it's time, instead of letting them out of prison and giving them alcohol and drugs and everything else, I think it's time to put a criminal in the White House. Trump 2024 baby. Let's save this country and make America great again. »

You can watch the full video on Facebook or Instagram

June 4 – Riverside Sheriff Says, “It’s Time to Put a Criminal in the White House”

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