
Three years since the disappearance of teenager Maydeleisis Rosales in Havana

Three years after the disappearance of Maydeleisis Rosales Rodriguez In Central Havana, the island's feminist platforms urge the authorities to issue an official alert concerning missing children and adolescents in Cuba. In a message posted on Facebook, the platform YoSíTeCreo in Cuba recalled that “today marks the anniversary of the last time Maydeleisis Rosales Rodríguez, 16 years old, was seen in the Havana Center.” The moving message states: “Mayde, we have not forgotten you and your alert remains active”, and expresses solidarity with the family, in particular with the teenager's mother, Isis Rodriguez Ameneirowho tirelessly demanded that the research continue.

“We call on the authorities to continue their investigation into this matter and to keep the family informed. We reiterate our request to State for the urgent need for an official alert regarding missing children and adolescents in Cuba,” the publication states.

The teenager was last seen on May 30, 2021 at Campanario and Malecon parking in Centro Habana, wearing patterned leggings and a gray t-shirt. Since then, there has been no evidence of her whereabouts.

“The first thing they told her mother, Isis Rodríguez Ameneiro, at the police station was that her daughter had probably disappeared because she was a prostitute. This was meticulously repeated to several family members” , queries the message.

In June last year, Isis Rodriguez Ameneiro expressed his deep disappointment with the way the police handled his daughter's case. She noted that at the time of the disappearance the two had a good relationship and she also had a good relationship with her father.

“It's been very hard for me, too hard, because it's not easy. She's my daughter and all her stuff is here. It's hard to wake up every day and think about the place where she might be, if she's okay, if something happens to her, what happened to her, if she's being mistreated or if the rumors are true that she's pregnant and afraid to come back,” the visibly emotional woman said.

Frequently asked questions about the disappearance of Maydeleisis Rosales

Here are some frequently asked questions and answers regarding the ongoing case of missing teenager Maydeleisis Rosales and the broader problem of missing children in Cuba.

When was Maydeleisis Rosales last seen?

Maydeleisis Rosales was last seen on May 30, 2021 at Campanario Park and Malecón in Centro Habana.

What did the authorities say about his disappearance?

Authorities initially suggested to her mother that Maydeleisis might have disappeared due to her involvement in prostitution, a claim that was repeated to several family members.

What actions are taken by feminist platforms in Cuba?

Feminist platforms like YoSíTeCreo in Cuba are urging authorities to issue an official alert regarding the missing children and adolescents and to continue the investigation into Maydeleisis' case while keeping the family informed.

How does Maydeleisis’ mother experience the situation?

Isis Rodríguez Ameneiro is deeply moved and disappointed by the way the police handled the case. She takes the disappearance of her daughter very badly and constantly demands that the search continue.

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