
This “psychological weapon” is a form of mind control

True to its nature, the Biden administration has emphasized the need to combat “disinformation” in the media.

But the administration is not alone.

The United Nations also represses any speech that calls into question its own.

UNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, has adopted a concept in its “Guide to Disinformation” called a “pre-supplement.”

According to them, “prebunking” is “an offensive strategy that involves anticipating disinformation likely to be repeated by politicians, pundits and provocateurs at key events and having already prepared a response based on fact-checks previous ones.

“The pre-supplement is drawn from inoculation theory, which seeks to explain how an attitude or belief can be protected against persuasion and how people can develop immunity to misinformation,” the guide explains.

Glenn Beck is horrified.

“We are dealing with people who manipulate every aspect of your mind. This is beyond 4D chess. This is a psychological weapon developed and promoted by our own government,” says Glenn.

“They decide what's true, and then they'll inoculate you and manipulate you. So if you hear something else that doesn't agree with it, you'll reject it,” he adds.

Those behind this manipulation hope to prevent people from adopting “extremist views”.

“What are these opinions? I would imagine views like mine,” says Glenn. “Now, in a sane world, you could see how a tool like this could be a good thing to help disrupt the recruitment efforts of real terrorists. But no, they have redefined what terrorists and extremists are.”

“The real danger here is who decides what gets redirected or 'pre-bunched,' and once they've really mastered that, will you even know you've been manipulated?”

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