
They were identified as perpetrators of more than 100 thefts, the two Albanians suffer a lot in Belgium

They were identified as perpetrators of more than 100 thefts, the two Albanians suffer

Two Albanians were sentenced to four years in prison in Belgium for a series of thefts. The two Albanians, aged 33 and 38, are known to be professional thieves, since they are known for similar crimes in Greece, Luxembourg and the United Kingdom, among others. They are also suspected of having committed more than 100 thefts, while they faced 65 in court, most of them committed in Limburg. Additionally, the suspects have been in prison for about a year. At the Hasselt criminal court, they appeared remorseful as they apologized to those affected by their actions.

“Because I have debts, I have committed theft,” one of them said in court.

According to the prosecutor, both defendants are part of a gang.

“The investigators solved a big enigma. The investigation began with the search for a Renault Laguna which always appeared near the thefts. Thanks to ANPR cameras, the investigators were able to visualize the trajectory of the car. It was It turned out that the suspects had their accommodation in Brussels. From the capital, they went to West Flanders and especially to Limburg. They devastated West and Central Limburg as well as the Tongeren region. ANPR, investigators were able to close the net on the suspects using phone searches and the DNA left behind also turned up from other cars like Mercedes and Audi. was declared regarding the investigations carried out.

The robberies took place between February 18, 2022 and February 27, 2023. They mainly stole jewelry and cash. They also did not hesitate to steal bicycles. The two suspects then walked towards another unknown gang member who was waiting for them in a car.

“Sometimes they committed up to ten crimes a night. The suspects used different aliases and fake ID cards and driver's licenses. “, said the prosecutor.

In addition to four years of imprisonment, a fine of 1,600 euros and the confiscation of the cars were also requested, among other things. At the same time, some victims filed civil suits and demanded compensation of 10,000 euros or more.

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