
They report that an Iranian teenager is in a coma after an attack by the moral police

Morale Police officers and vehicles Photo: Fars Media Corporation CC BY 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons

A 16-year-old Iranian girl remains in a coma and is being treated in a high-security hospital after an attack on the Tehran metro, human rights group Hengaw reported.

The group, which mainly works on the rights of Kurdish people, the teenager said Armita Garawand was seriously injured during a clash in the Tehran metro with moral police officers.

Iranian authorities say the girl “fainted” due to low blood pressure and that there was no intervention by security forces. The Ayatollah dictatorship remains on alert in the face of any rise in social tensions a little over a year after the death in custody of Mahsa Amini, murdered for breaking strict dress rules for women.

His death sparked several months of protests that have shaken Iran's religious leaders and have continued to subside in the face of a crackdown that activists say. This led to thousands of arrests and hundreds of deaths.

Hengaw said Garawand was seriously injured after being arrested by morality police officers at Tehran's Shohada metro station on Sunday and was being treated under high security at Tehran's Fajr Hospital. “Currently, visits to the victim are not allowed, even those from his family.”

Although she resides in Tehran, Garawand is originally from the Kurdish city of Kermanshah in western Iran, Hengaw said. Maryam Lotfi, newspaper journalist Sharghattempted to go to the hospital after the incident, but was immediately arrested. She was later released.

The case has been the subject of intense discussion on social media, with an alleged video of the incident that some say shows the teenager, with friends and apparently exposed, being pushed in the subway by policewomen.

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