
Theater camps for young people and teenagers taking place in Rangeley

Student Grace Grogan, left, and her 2023 Youth Drama Camp classmates present their final performance at the RFA Lakeside Theater. Friends of the Arts Rangeley Youth Theater Week 2024 will take place July 8-12. Teen Theater Week 2024 will take place from August 5 to 9. Scholarships are available. For registration forms and complete information, visit and click on “All Drama Camp Events” at the top of the page, or call RFA at 207-864-5000. Photo by RFA staff

Student Grace Grogan, left, and her 2023 Youth Drama Camp classmates present their final performance at the RFA Lakeside Theater. Friends of the Arts Rangeley Youth Theater Week 2024 will take place July 8-12. Teen Theater Week 2024 will take place from August 5 to 9. Scholarships are available. For registration forms and complete information, visit and click on “All Drama Camp Events” at the top of the page, or call RFA at 207-864-5000.

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