
The perpetrator of the stabbing attack at Amsterdam train station had 'terrorist motivations'

Amsterdam Central Station Photo: Slaunger Wikimedia CC BY-SA 4.0

The perpetrator of the stabbing attack at Amsterdam Central Station, which left two people injured, is a 19-year-old young man of Afghan nationality who “had terrorist motivations” to commit this act, reported the Dutch police.

In a press release, the police explained that, according to the first statements of the attacker, Jawed S., this young man “chose his victims at random, since they could have been others” and specified that she did not believe that the attacker “he was specifically looking for them (the victims) or knew them”.

The two injured men, American citizens, were waiting for their turn for treatment at the information desk at Amsterdam's main train station when the attacker suddenly stabbed them, slightly injuring them.

The police, who were patrolling the station, acted within seconds and shot the attacker, who was recovering from his injuries in hospital.

The police investigation continues and it is unclear whether the attacker, who has a German residence permit, had connections to a specific terrorist group or acted independently. EFE

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