
The majority of girls prosecuted and sentenced as adults were victims of abuse: investigation

The majority of girls prosecuted as adults in the United States experienced some form of abuse or victimization before becoming involved in the system, according to a new report.

The survey results, released this week by Human Rights for Kids (HRFK), found that more than 90 percent of women incarcerated since childhood have had four or more adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), such as physical, sexual or emotional abuse.

More than 92 percent of those surveyed said they had been confronted by a parent or adult in the household who often swore at them, insulted them, humiliated them, or acted in a way that made them fear physical harm.

According to the survey, about 84% said a parent or adult in their household often pushed, grabbed, slapped or threw something at them hard enough to leave marks. Just under 85 percent also reported being touched, fondled or forced to have sex with an adult at least five years their senior.

Many women also reported feeling neglected growing up. Nearly 58% said they often felt like they didn't have enough to eat, had to wear dirty clothes, had no one to protect them, or that their parents were too drunk or on drugs to take care of them. of them, according to the investigation.

“The women featured in this report simply wanted to feel safe as little girls,” said HRFK Stoneleigh Fellow Sara Kruzan. “However, many of them spoke of how they felt unprotected, ignored and disposable before and during their incarceration.”

“Girls have the basic human right to be free from violence, shame and fear, no matter what they have done,” Kruzan continued. “I hope that the voices of these women and what they experienced will be a wake-up call for our country and lead to a day when we focus on healing rather than incarcerating traumatized girls.”

More than half of women incarcerated since childhood are in four states: 25% in Texas, 10% in Florida, 9% in California, and the remaining 7% in Georgia.

The incarceration rate for girls follows that of the adult prison population. Girls of color represent 60% of women incarcerated since childhood. More than 20 percent of girls convicted in adult court also serve life sentences.

“The findings of this report indicate systemic discrimination against girls of color who also suffer from widespread childhood trauma,” said Aiden Lesley, children’s rights researcher at HRFK. “We have a responsibility to hear and care for our children, and we must do better to identify and treat child victims of trauma before they end up in the justice system. »

The report also highlights the dangers of incarcerating children in adult prisons, including the risk of sexual or physical assault, and being placed in solitary confinement for their own protection.

The victimization and trauma that children face can then exacerbate existing mental health problems due to childhood trauma. Children incarcerated in adult facilities also face a higher risk of suicide than their peers in juvenile detention facilities.

Instead of prioritizing punishment, the HRFK report recommends focusing on trauma-informed child care systems.

Among its list of recommendations, HRFK calls for earlier detection of ACEs, including in elementary schools and foster care systems. The group is also asking courts to consider a girl's childhood trauma when determining whether they should be tried in juvenile or adult court, as well as when determining sentencing.

They are also calling for retroactive re-sentencing for women currently incarcerated for crimes they committed as children.

“The United States is incredibly comfortable with neglecting the human rights – and lives – of vulnerable and abused girls,” said James L. Dold, CEO and founder of HRFK. “Instead of providing girls in crisis with the healing they desperately need, we are inflicting additional suffering on them by locking them in adult prisons where they continually face abuse and harm. »

“If you care about children who are sexually and physically abused, then you need to care about the girls in our country who are tried as adults, because that's where they end up when all other systems fail.” , added Dold.

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