
The first heat wave of the season begins on Sunday; near-record highs likely next week

Ahead of a cold front, central Indiana experienced noisy storms early Friday morning. Most areas received less than half an inch of rain. The cold front moved through the state Friday morning and the rain subsided. The day starts out sunny, warm and humid, but as the drier air moves south, the humidity has started to drop and more comfortable conditions have set in for the afternoon and evening. We will have a sunny and warm Saturday with humidity in the comfort zone before our weather conditions change.

A dome of warm, humid air parked in the southwestern United States will move eastward, and as the ridge of high pressure builds, heat and humidity will increase. This will be our first heat wave of the season and the warmest air mass for central Indiana since last August. We will have a succession of 90° days ahead of us with heat indices that could be near or above 100°. We will challenge record high temperatures and numerous record low and warm temperatures daily for the next week.

Temperatures have been rising and we have had some rain this week.

It will be a dry weekend.

Temperatures and humidity will increase over the next four days.

Near-record highs are likely next week.