
The CRFD is recruiting a high school student to join its team

COLUMBIA, SC (WOLO) — As one generation of firefighters retires, another generation must step up and fill their boots.

The Columbia Richland Fire Department's newest hire shows the Midlands is teeming with the talent needed.

When it comes to firefighting, safety is the top priority.

“When we don't have properly staffed fire trucks, all of that is compromised,” said Christopher Kip, deputy chief of the Columbia Richland Fire Department. “A single fire truck with 4 people performs hundreds of tasks simultaneously. »

Fire departments across the country are struggling to maintain full staffing. The Columbia Richland Fire Department has partnered with Lower Richland and Westwood high schools as well as the Center for Advanced Technical Studies to recruit the next generation of firefighters.

“In the fire service, we want people who want to make this their life for 30 years,” Kip said. “It’s not just about pay and benefits, it’s about making a difference.”

High school senior Michael Coleman says he always wanted to pursue a career that makes a difference in people's lives.

“I never liked sitting at a desk either. I’ve always been involved,” Coleman said.

After his sophomore year, Coleman discovered fire rescue classes at the Center for Advanced Technical Studies.

“I joined this course and fell in love from day one. I walked in and saw a big red truck,” Coleman said. “I said to myself, ‘This is where I need to be for the next two years.’”

After interning with the Columbia Richland Fire Department, Coleman signed to join the team Friday. He thanks his classmates and teachers for his success.

“He’s such a great kid. He listens well. He’s always on time,” said firefighting instructor Michael Greer. “It’s something important in the fire service. To be punctual. Be respectful.”

Fire rescue courses involve academic tests as well as physical challenges. However, firefighters say there is an equally important skill.

” The teamwork. I love being able to do things as a team with the students in my class,” Coleman said. “They were great to me. The daily tasks that our teacher would give us could not be accomplished without teamwork.

“You have people that you will work side by side with throughout your career,” Greer said. “They are there for you in good times and bad. You can always count on them. It's a real brotherhood.

Not just firefighting, tThe Center for Advanced Technical Studies prepares students for practical careers in a variety of fields.

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