
Teenagers focus on their jaws

The way social media affects girls' self-image has long been a concern, but teens now appear to be directly targeted by a trend that's concentrated above the neckline, particularly around the their jaw. And according to The Cut, many are turning to expensive gum that claims to exercise their muscles to form a chiseled jawline. To understand this, you may need to add a few new words to your vocabulary

  • Looksmaxxing: According to the BBC, lookmaxxing involves maximizing one's appearance according to a gender-specific beauty standard that focuses on the jawline, physique and eyes. He has roots in the incel community, but he gained popularity on TikTok.
  • Manosphere: This is a subculture intended to counter feminism by emphasizing misogyny and traditional forms of masculinity, including the norms of lookmaxxing.
  • Meow: No, it has nothing to do with kittens. Mewing is a form of lookmaxxing that aims to help boys get rid of their baby faces. Videos claim that tongue exercises can rebuild the face, but says that's pretty false (and potentially unhealthy).

So what does all this have to do with chewing gum? According to the Manosphere, getting a defined jawline is a peak look. As social media pushes this ideal onto boys, they are now looking for alternatives to expensive facial reconstruction surgery, like meow, and now, facial fitness gum. Brands like Rockjaw, Jawz, and Stronger Gum claim that their tough-to-chew products will tone and tighten muscles, changing the appearance of the jawline. When board-certified dermatologist Kavita Mariwalla's son asked for a pack, she wanted to get to the root of what was happening. “As a mom, I wondered why he was so obsessed with his jawline at 12 and what social media was feeding him,” she told the Cut.

Facial and fitness gum brands seem to tell a similar story: Modern food is too soft, so we need to go back to our caveman roots (and jaws) by chewing dense gum. They come in a variety of shapes and flavors, and Cut's Jennifer G. Sullivan took one for the team and tested a few. “Within five minutes, my jaw was sore and clicking every time I bit on the ball of putty,” she wrote of one mark. While cost is a concern (a single piece of Jawliner gum costs 47 cents, compared to 8 cents for a typical stick of gum), some health concerns include additives from different brands, as well as the fact that the gum could cause potential inflammation. or jaw pain. (The surgeon general wants warnings on social media.)

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