
Teenager's Father and Stepmother Won't Let Her Acknowledge Her Mom in Their House, So She Told Them How She Really Feels » TwistedSifter

Home is where the heart is…

Unless you feel like you're not welcome there!

And this young woman had to tell her father bluntly that she does not consider their house to be her real home.

Was she wrong?

Read his story and see what you think.

“My parents had me and shortly afterward they divorced.

My parents' divorce was not amicable. I (16f) obviously don't know all the details, but I do know that bad blood exists on both sides.

She thinks she knows what happened…

And if you want my suspicions, I think they divorced so badly because my dad wanted to start his own business but my mom didn't want that to happen right after me. My dad owns his own business, actually he owned two and had to close the first one.

The first one he started right after the divorce, which is why I suspect what I'm doing. My dad also complained once or twice that mom never supported him.

His mother seems fine with all this…

So there are problems between my parents. When I'm with my mother, you'll never know. She doesn't talk about Dad or put him down or try to hide the fact that they were married and had me together.

She has a few photos of us before the divorce in our living room among the rest of the family photos. And even though I have issues with my father-in-law and he has never been my favorite person, he has never complained or tried to erase the fact that he married a woman who had a child with someone else. He was never wrong on this point despite our problems.

His father's house is another story…

But my father's house is so different. The situation got worse after he married my mother-in-law. I'm not supposed to mention my mother at all, they don't let me have anything there that my mother bought, even my favorite stuffed animal that my mother bought me when I was a baby.

I can't have a single photo of my mother or my half-siblings next to him. I used to have a little photo board and my dad and stepmom came into my room in the past and erased all traces of mom. My mother-in-law even said she burned mom's photos. They told me at home that they didn't want to see my mother and that my room was not a compromise.

So of course I don't like being here.

I spend 50% of my time here and no the courts won't let me stop coming and they will punish my mother if I stop and the judge tells my mother that if she doesn't force me to go and stay , she would pay.

After our last attempt, a few months ago, Dad started telling me that I wasn't treating my room like my room and that I wasn't acting like it was my house. He asked me why I wanted to leave “our house”.

She finally let them do it.

On Sunday my dad and stepmom told me that I act like I'm a guest in their house instead of family and that it's my house. I told them it wasn't my house, it was their house.

I told them I couldn't mention my mother or keep a photo of her in my room. I can't do what I want with my room like they say, so no, all that means is it was never my home.

I told them I've been a guest here half my life and this is all I'll ever be. They told me I was being melodramatic and my mother-in-law called me manipulative.


Check out what people on Reddit had to say about it.

This reader said she was NTA.

Another person spoke up.

This Reddit user shared his thoughts.

Another person said there was no doubt she was NTA.

And one Reddit user did it.

Looks like they need therapy.

If you thought that was an interesting story, check out this one about a man who created a point system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of his inheritance.

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