
Teenager's arrest by parks officer in Battery Park sparks debate over regulation and enforcement of street vendors

The city is facing criticism after a video posted to social media shows a New York City parks officer attempting to arrest a 14-year-old girl in Battery Park.

The incident, which occurred around 2 p.m. on Sunday, sparked a heated debate over the regulation of street vendors and enforcement practices.

The video posted on the X platform by @Marcrebillet has gone viral. It shows the parks officer trying to arrest the girl, who was selling fruit from an unlicensed cart with her mother. Passers-by can be seen and heard shouting at the police, some even intervening to help the young girl free herself.

Parks Department officials said an investigation is underway to ensure all protocols are followed. The officer concerned was assigned to administrative duties during this process. A 32-year-old woman was arrested and ticketed for appearing at the office. The 14-year-old received a juvenile report.

The NYC Street Vendor Justice Coalition, a group representing small businesses and their advocates, condemned the aggressive approach taken by officers. In a statement, the coalition said: “We are appalled by the attack on a family of street vendors and their young daughter. The city should not criminalize street vendors trying to make a living.

The coalition also highlighted the difficulty of obtaining seller permits, noting that more than 20,000 New Yorkers are on waiting lists for these permits.

On Tuesday, Mayor Eric Adams addressed the issue, acknowledging the challenge of managing illegal activity despite efforts to provide more permits.

“Personally, I don't believe that no matter how many permits we issue, there will always be illegal activities and we need to make sure that we combat those illegal activities,” Adams said.

The mayor's team highlighted new initiatives aimed at facilitating their entry into the market. Meera Joshi, Deputy Mayor for Operations, explained these efforts, saying, “We have implemented a regulated vendor market in Corona Plaza, which has been in a pilot state for a few months now and is working well. It's what I call sort of a vending machine lite, and it allows people to enter the vending market without going through what can be an arduous process of getting a specific individual seller's license. With this model, we can go to other squares in the city and create similar markets to really offer people the opportunity to get into vending.

The Parks Department continues its investigation, while the Coalition for Street Vendor Justice urges the City Council to pass a legislative package on street vendor reform. They believe this package would cut existing bureaucratic red tape and support the city's smaller businesses.

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