
Teenagers appear in court over Karrinyup stabbing

One Nation leader Pauline Hanson has told Robert Irwin to 'chill out, mate', after the TV personality threatened to sue the producers of his political cartoon series over an episode satirizing his involvement in a Queensland tourism campaign.

FC lawyers, representing Irwin, sent a cease and desist letter to Melbourne-based Stepmates Studios on Friday, alleging an episode of Hanson's murder. Please explain The series, uploaded to the Queensland senator's social media channels, was defamatory and misleadingly used Irwin's image.

But Hanson, during an interview with Radio 6PR in Perth this morning, refused to remove the video.

“I never met the young man, but I would say to Robert, relax mate, okay your dad was an icon, he was actually a larrikin, he was laughing,” she said declared.

“I just think it’s ridiculous, it doesn’t represent Robert in a terrible way at all.”

Hanson claimed she was given until 5 p.m. today to remove Irwin's image.

“I’m not backing down and I’m going to go all the way in court,” she said.

“I have one of the best lawyers in the country who has represented my interests in a number of cases and said it's not defamatory, so I'm going to fight it.

“It's satirical, have we become so precious that we look at each other all the time without joking? Where is the Australia I grew up in, where you could laugh and make fun of yourself? »

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