
Teenager who murdered 17-year-old Charlie Cosser at holiday party named for first time

A teenage killer who fatally stabbed another boy on a crowded dance floor may be named for the first time today after journalists called for an order protecting his identity to be lifted.

Yura Varybrus, the son of Ukrainian parents, stabbed Surrey teenager Charlie Cosser after being asked to leave a holiday party on the grounds of a £1.5million country farm last summer.

Varybrus, who turns 18 in November, had never met Charlie before the party at Balmohano Farmhouse near Warnham, West Sussex.

He can be named for the first time after journalists' requests were authorized by Her Honor Judge Christine Henson KC.

Varybrus, now 17, was just 16 when he first pleaded guilty to murder at Lewes Crown Court on July 28 and was due to be sentenced in September last year.

His identity was protected by his age.

The 1.70m teenager was described as a “big boy” by people who saw him at the party.

Varybrus had been drinking heavily all night and claimed he remembered nothing of the murder.

At another hearing in November, his guilty plea was overturned, allowing him to stand trial for murder.

Although they attended the same school as some of the other guests, Charlie and his killer had never met.

Charlie’s father, Martin Cosser, said: “He is well known and I know people are afraid of him.

“The DCI told me that when he told him Charlie had died, he didn't even flinch.

“He is known for carrying a knife, as is his friend, who I think gave him the knife.”

His father Ihor Varybrus lives in West Sussex and his mother Julia lives with her new partner in Surrey.

The trial jury was never told that Varybrus had already pleaded guilty to murder days after Charlie's death.

Then aged 16, he responded clearly guilty when the murder charge was brought against him in July last year.

He exchanged a raised fist salute with his father as he stepped off Lewes Embankment.

Speaking after the hearing, his father said: “It's not just him, we're all to blame.

“He’s a child, we are all responsible and should have made sure they weren’t drinking.

“I’ve never seen him drink before.

“I haven't been able to see him for five days and he's only 16, he's a child.

“We need him to know that we love him and will stay with him for the rest of his life.”

Her Honor Judge Christine Henson KC will sentence Yura Varybrus at Brighton Crown Court today (Wednesday).

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