
Teenager wakes up heading to his own funeral after being presumed dead

A 17-year-old boy who was pronounced dead after developing a fever woke up a day later – in a coffin… on his way to his funeral.

Police confirmed the incident to The Times of India on Monday. Relatives were surprised when the teen's eyes suddenly opened and he began breathing heavily en route to his cremation ceremony.

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Last month, Kumar Marewad developed high fever after being bitten by a stray dog, according to reports. Doctors placed him on a ventilator after his condition began to deteriorate.

Medical staff informed Marewad's family that his infection had started to spread throughout his body, leaving him in critical condition. Doctors said he would not survive unless he was connected to a ventilator. They opted to take the boy home when asked if they wanted to keep Marewad on life support.

Once taken off the ventilator, the family said the teen became immobile and thought he had stopped breathing.

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Under the impression that Marewad had died, the family made ceremonial preparations for his death.

Marewad woke up on his way to the cremation ceremony and was immediately taken back to hospital, where doctors reportedly said he was suffering from a viral infection called meningoencephalitis, caused by the bite of the dog.

A doctor told the outlet that the teen likely developed meningoencephalitis, a disease that occurs when the brain and surrounding tissues become inflamed, usually due to an infection.

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