
Teenager sentenced after man attacks outside pub, hits again with metal bar

A TEENAGER has escaped prison for his role in two separate incidents, one of which saw a man hit over the head with a metal bar.

Macauley Ellis was involved in two worrying incidents in the space of five months, with the other seeing a man kicked and punched outside a pub.

The 19-year-old appeared at Warrington Magistrates' Court to be sentenced, with co-accused in both incidents already convicted or awaiting trial.

Ellis was charged with affray and possession of an offensive weapon in public in relation to one of the incidents, and threatening behavior with intent to cause fear of violence and possession of cannabis in relation to the incident. other.

Explaining the nature of the offenses, Sarah McInerney, prosecuting, told the court how the first incident happened on July 9 last year.

It was reported that at 9.37pm, officers from Cheshire Police were called to reports of a disturbance on Southworth Avenue in Bewsey.

The victim said she was attacked in her home by being hit on the head with a metal bar.

He received a cut lip and non-visible swelling to his head as a result of the attack.

Ellis admitted possessing a metal pole as an offensive weapon in a public place, namely Southworth Avenue, as well as using or threatening unlawful violence.

Then, on November 1, the defendant was convicted for his role in an altercation outside The Hop Pole pub in Warrington town centre.

At 3.24pm, CCTV filmed a man being punched, punched and dragged across the ground, near the site on Horsemarket Street.

The victim did not want to interact with Cheshire Police, but the incident was captured on CCTV and arrests were made the following day.

Ellis admitted to using threatening, abusive or insulting words or behavior with the intent to make the victim believe that immediate unlawful violence would be used against them.

Nathan Heroe, aged 24 and of Thornley Road in Lymm, was previously sentenced in April for his role in the altercation.

Ellis faced a separate charge of possessing a quantity of cannabis, a Class B controlled drug, on December 23 in Warrington.

Deputy District Judge Imran Hussain told the accused the seriousness of the offenses merited a prison sentence due to the use of a weapon and the presence of other people.

However, in light of his guilty pleas, the personal mitigation offered by his attorney, and the determination that he poses a “real prospect of rehabilitation,” the sentence was suspended.

Ellis, of Leicester Street in Bewsey, was sentenced to 24 weeks in custody, suspended for 18 months, including 30 days of rehabilitation activities.

He was also ordered to pay costs to the Crown Prosecution Service of £300 and a statutory surcharge of £154, with an application approved to deduct the money from his benefits.

Additionally, the court approved an order for the confiscation and destruction of the metal pole.

Heroe, meanwhile, had already been sentenced, after admitting the charge of threatening behaviour, to a 12-month community order, including 15 days of rehabilitation and 60 hours of unpaid work.

A co-defendant has pleaded not guilty to affray and battery charges in connection with the Bewsey incident, and he is scheduled to go to trial next month.

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